Miaor Da Tiggie

Transparently by @miaor (Miaor Da Tiggie)

My first transparent gif that's not done in cell shading. I've figured out a long an tedious way of doing it going pixel by pixel. There's got to be an easier way.

Finished Work
19y348d ago
Other Work By @miaor

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 25 June, 2004 @ 09:36 AM

Love the fluid motion of the tiger! Pixel by pixel...wow, that must've taken a while to do! I have no experience with making transparent gifs though, so sorry I can't help. I know that painting as usual and then letting Photoshop turn it into a gif leaves hideous artifacts, though. grin

Those white dots - next to his ear, under his left front paw and right hind paw, and where his hind legs meet - they're a teeny tiny thing, I know, but it'd be perfect if you erased them! :)

Beautiful work as usual!

Posted: Monday, 05 July, 2004 @ 03:13 PM

Wow, I do so lovvve your tigers. Anatomy is so your styled ^^ Very pretty. And even with the stray pixels, I love the shading and coloring :D It's byewtiful. Ummm, what program do you use to make these transparent GIFs? If you use Photoshop I -might- be able to help you make the images less grainy looking, drop me a note if you'd like <:

Posted: Tuesday, 06 July, 2004 @ 10:28 PM

For this one, I scanned and colored in Painter 8. Then I made it transparent in Photoshop. If you could help me make them less grainy, it'd be a great big help.

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