Amanda Lien

title pending
title pending by @alienfirst (Amanda Lien)

Either Tiamat just wanted an excuse to make up a wierd looking stick, or she actually tried to inspire herself. I have no idea, so the jury can stay out a little bit longer (heck, they can go on vacation for all I care). Let's just say I wanted to draw something elaborate (ha!) on the first page of my new sketchbook.

Technically, Samantha has only three different forms in Mode Ryuu. I might change it to four after this (MIGHT, because I had this wonderful id, ego, superego plot thing going on, and I hate to throw it out). The picture was to only have three subjects in it, until I decided it needed one more and stuck the nude looking one in.

In the foreground is Samantha as a younger person (age unspecified as I cannot draw age specific anything). The costume was made up on the spot with inspiration from Chobits and FFX. She's supposed to be some sweet and innocent individual (contrasting with her adult and dragon selves). I spent so much time trying to make her eyes equal with each other, I just screwed them up even more.

To the left of young Samantha is the nude looking persona. This is essentially another form of Sam's younger self (a form within a form). She's not really nude, as she isn't precisely REAL, she's just an ethereal being (AKA her soul, spirit, whatever) that bears the wounds that have tormented Sam the most (the scars from her attempted suicides [not shown] and from the testing done on her [see x-files storyline]). She also has a mangled neck. That holds no signifigance (that I can think of yet), I just thought it would be cool.

On the top left is adult Sam. Pretty straightforward, yes? Sam is holding the time key. The time key is something I'm still trying to work with, so bear with my explanation. If Porygon is the supercomputer of the universe, it seperates all the alternative universes and keeps organization within each one, the time key is the mouse. Basically, whoever holds the time key, has complete control over Porygon, and thus has complete control over pretty much everything. A lot of people don't want Sam to have the time key, and they're not evil either, they're on the good side (not telling you why though, that's one of the big secrets I'm keeping on Mode Ryuu).

On the top right is Sam's fire dragon form. Getting the angle for the head right was quite irking.

Long winded explanation over with.

Teen (N)
21y155d ago
Other Work By @alienfirst

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 06 January, 2003 @ 01:23 AM

Spiffyyyyyy!! I saw the 4-5 paragraphs and was all "Ni-iiiice." Rambles are great. And this is an organized ramble, cool. I like the neck thing on the spirit thing. The thing, yeah. Thing. Anyway, the time key kicks booty. I like young-Sam's outfit.

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 12:05 PM

WOW! You draw really awesome, clean-cut lineart. I very much like the composition of this pic and the characters all seem to have really cool storylines. You ever need a colorist, I volunteer, cause your linearts are spiffy!


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