John Rios

Shellie as Trinity
Shellie as Trinity by @deaddays (John Rios)

Yes friends, it's been a while since the great and fabulous and bodacious Shellie Linny Key has made an appearance on Side 7, but here she is, back in a big way! I guess I made this as a companion piece to my other self Matrix portrait I did of my self a while ago. I've come down with Matrix fever as of late due to RELOADED, and I wanted to draw a badass pic of Shellie, and who better to draw her as than the kick butt Trinity who can run on walls and such. Here she is in her now famous JUMP UP IN THE AIR AND ROTATE AND KICK pose. Right on. Man, Shellie is so pretty. She's been away for 3 days and I'm dyin here. She'll be back tomarry though and I'm gonna smooch on her for a while. Anyway, I'm sure that's gross to you guys, so just enjoy SHELLITY (Shellie + Trinity)! -John Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Finished Work
21y21d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 19 May, 2003 @ 09:07 AM

As usual, John, a very impressive peice. The detailing on the black latex outfit is great. I like the way you highlighted it. Lots of form without relying on outlines to show it. Is this a Photoshop peice, or done with Illustrator?

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