Kim Cassin

uni by @terriblekim (Kim Cassin)

this here's a unicorn. err a pegasus.. a unisus or a pegicorn ? heheeee!

i wanted to draw a dragon that night, but ended up drawing this instead :3

Finished Work
22y145d ago
Other Work By @terriblekim

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 14 January, 2002 @ 11:39 PM

Idunno how crazy I am about the lighting effects. The linework and wings look really nice, but they're hard to make out against the busy background/lighting stuff.

Still...I do like it! Plain version! Plain version!

my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill

Posted: Tuesday, 15 January, 2002 @ 06:59 AM

i think its called an alicorn... its cool! i like it lots! im not the best at drawing horses... they always end up like ponys... and this looks really nice :)

Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 07:23 AM

Whooooo I like the black 'n' white on this pic!!!!!!

Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 11:53 AM

ooo.. It's beautyfull. I dunno why, be the style reminds me of the Last Unicorn movie. really cool :)

Posted: Sunday, 20 January, 2002 @ 10:42 PM

I almost didn't even click on the thumbnail because the lighting effects made for a very muddy looking thumbnail. And when you view the full-version, it's still murky-looking. however the drawing of the unicorn/pegasus/alicorn is gorgeous! Like Athie said, please post the B&w/non-lighting effected picture? ^_^ And more unicorns/horses from you, this is gorgeous!

Posted: Tuesday, 22 January, 2002 @ 09:23 PM

sits stunned and you thougth Shangri~La was cool? Yeah, right! This is wicked! Yeah, its called either a pegacorn or a unisis....I prefer pegacorn meself...but to each his own...YOU ROCK!

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