@BRaven || Profile
Brandon Raven

@BRaven (Brandon Raven)
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It's been a while...
06 July, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
09 September, 1977
BRaven turns 47 this year.
South Carolina, Unspecified
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I was born in Fort Dix, New Jersey in to a military family. My dad was in the Army as a Pharmacy Tech, so we moved around quite a bit. From New Jersey to Texas to Colorado to Germany to Kentucky and back to Colorado.
From Colorado I joined the Army as a Satellite Tech. In the time I was in the Military I've been to South Carolina, Georgia, Washington, and Korea. Korea was the most fun I had for a station, the people there were really nice and most of them appreciated our presence there.
I'm glad I was able to serve my country, but I ended my service in January 2000 to go to college using the college fund that the Army has provided. After a few set backs I've come here to South Dakota to get a degree in Business Management in order to go back in to the Army as an officer. While in service I'd like to persue other degrees such as art and computer science. I've been drawing as far as I know since I was 8. At first objects like spaceships and objects. I didn't start drawing people on my own till I was 11, some actors and cartoon characters. I never read comics because most of the ones that the art caught my interrest in were already in issues 500 or something.
Not till I picked up a copy of Fred Perry's Gold Digger #16. I really enjoyed the plot lines and humor of the comic and even though they were on issue 16, I could easily jump into the action of the comic. Fred's art has evolved and improved throughout the series, but the art was appealing then too. And in my opinion his storytelling ability is excellent and through the entire series he has kept my attention with evolving starring characters and even some of his less spotlighted ones. Fred Perry was deffinately a major influence for my sparking my interrest in manga and anime. But anyway, since then I've created many characters of my own. Many are formed from role playing characters I've played in science fiction games. Others from developing backgrounds for a game system I'm helping to develop. I hope to keep developing my skill as an artist, that's why I plan to take more art classes in the future and by taking requests from people who are interrested.

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