@Kahvinporo || Journal Entry

Music shuffle questions
28 Nov 2023, 11:53 AM

( Let's bring back journal games! )

1. Open your chosen music player and put it on shuffle

2. Answer each question with a new song title (+ band)

3. No rules about tagging, just do it if you see this and want to do it!

4. Feel free to add new questions if you come up with some.

1. Which song would be playing in "the opening credits of your life if it was a movie? I know where you sleep - Emilie Autumn

(I guess my life is a thriller, sweats)

2. How would people describe you? Soldier, pet, king - The Oh Hellos

3. How would you describe your closest ally? In circles - Transistor OST

4. What will be your battle theme? Could have been me - The Struts

5. A new TV trope will be created because of you, what it is called? I want to live - Skillet

7. You found a message in a bottle, what piece of wisdom did you find from the letter? Lone digger - Caravan palace

8. This will be your new cryptid name. Long journey - Ateez

9. What odd powers do you have, baby cryptid? New home - Austin Farwerll, aka mouse eating m&m's alone

(I guess I'm a cryptid that you will meet when you are travelling to a new home?)

10. Why did you get kicked out of the store? Talking to the Moon - Caleb Hyles

11. Someone wronged you, how will you get revenge? Hell's coming with me - Annapantsu

(Don't mess with a Scorpio lmao)

12. What will your famous last words be? Ghost - Reinaeiry

13. Which song will be played at your funeral? 15 minutes - Mike Krol

14. You wake up as a ghost, how will you scare people? Control - Halsey

15. The end of the world is coming, what's your reaction? Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives

Comments (2)

Posted: Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 @ 12:18 PM

God, I missed these old journals so much 15 minutes is such an amazing song lmaooo, funeral worthy for sure.

Stealing this >:3

Posted: Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 @ 12:43 PM

@Buzzsaw: I'm legit obsessed with 15 minutes lmaooo Also yess, steal!

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  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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