El Thorvaldo Moderator

Ryouichi Sasaki Character Reference

Species: Human
Place of Birth: Japan
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Major in Mr. Toyoda's mercenary company. Placed in charge of securing Hokkaidō during choxorn's zombie rampage in DYOS X, he leads a relief force to the mainland, leaving Ryuu Tōjō in charge, to disastrous results. He cameos briefly at the beginning of Part II, revealing Kitami was ravaged by the "Gargantua" and Toyoda is missing, directing CivGeneral & Co. to an American outpost led by Colonel Sadao. He is named in the second set of Toyoda Papers, leading choxorn to the Mongolian supply depot managed by Shuji Tanaka in his own search for Toyoda.

  • Sasaki technically appears in this comic, but without distinguishing features; @GenMarshall's Gmod depiction used the generic Asian citizen from Half-Life 2. To date, he has not officially been drawn.
  • His opening lines to Captain Tōjō parallel Mrs. Puff's dressing-down of SpongeBob in the episode "Hall Monitor".

Mr. Toyoda
His top boss.

Ryuu Tōjō
Direct subordinate given charge of Hokkaidō while Sasaki led rescue efforts on Honshū.

Tsuyoshi Sadao, Shuji Tanaka, Junichi Ishikawa, Mejiko et al.
Fellow officers in the PMC.