El Thorvaldo Moderator

Octavia Deaconescu Character Reference

Species: Human
Age: 20s–30s?
Place of Birth: Romania
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/her

A Romanian communications officer and hobby hacker working for the Eastern Union's military intelligence bureau. Originally a one-off appearance for Lucifer's introduction, she subsequently became the fulcrum of a subplot investigating a reversal of Pul Wat Aa's destruction of the Sydney Business District that forms a critical component of CivGeneral's showdown on Xen.

  • Deaconescu is named after a real-life acquaintance, the second after Guilhem Drouault, selected to diversify Union personnel beyond Russia. She bears no similarity to her namesake.
  • Her appearance in the opening of At Plot's End is excerpted from what was intended to be an accompanying trailer comic spoofing the namesake PotC film. Sketches up to ~1:14 were completed before work was interrupted, and the project has languished ever since.