El Thorvaldo Moderator

Mr. Novak Character Reference

Species: Human
Age: 37*
Place of Birth: Česko
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

A Czech immigrant to Metro City in CivOasis' CityIOT Redux, the owner and operator of Novak's Bread House "to practice family art of baked good". A city council appointee, his attempts to find zoning permissions to open a news stand prompt him to recommend construction of a city hall after discovering there is no records office, let alone records. He approves the motion for a 20% sales tax, as "Municipal funds now 0" making public services impossible to finance.

Mr. Novak represented my one and only foray into IOT's sister community, Never-Ending Stories, a pure-roleplay avatar in Terrance888's SilliNES 2. The chaotic end of CityIOT cracked reality, warping him to an alternate-history 1800s Holy Roman Empire, "Eisen Europa". Invited to an audience with the King, my reply was left unacknowledged and Mr. Novak wound up bowing for a full month, by which he "devleoped [sic] strong back muscles".

His status as a dimensional time traveller is canonized in KaiserIOT: Dream of a World, in which he turns up as an immigrant to Korea, recounting his life adventures in an interlude interview. His experiences have convinced him he is on a mission from God to spread universal brotherhood through his baking. He also receives cameo references in Terran Empress' IOTBall, and Civ'ed's VMinuteIOT IV as "Mr. Novum".

  • Mr. Novak owns a Greek fisherman's cap gifted from his aunt; this is a direct reference to a gift from my own aunt.
  • Not counting the Downfall Gang who remained a meta-presence throughout IOT in general, Mr. Novak is my most re-used character in the games, albeit half of these are casual cameos rather than substantial roles.

baked good


hoping sertain extremist societys don't destroy planet

Family and Friends:

A friend from the home country. Serves a translator during Mr. Novak's interview in KaiserIOT, displaying the same broken English used in previous games, and may in fact be the narrator to his prior appearances.