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Ranvild Langhogtann Character Reference

Species: Varrev (wolf)
Place of Birth: The Raevyllke
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Viceroy of the Raevyllke in the IOT spin-off Intrigue of Magic, and as such, deputy of Queen Syfrida Solvpals.and titular count of Dal. Ranvild is responsible for the daily operations of the kingdom, and all counties administratively report to him. He provides a "straight man" persona to the energetic Queen; while her antics leave him exasperated, he respects her judgment even when he questions her methods.

  • His surname is a mutation of Old Norse langr and Norwegian hoggtann, meaning "long fang".
  • His fur pattern is described as the inverse of a grey fox (mainly reddish, with grey highlights).

Syfrida Solvpals
Sovereign and liege. She is highly affectionate towards him, but their relationship is not romantic.

Crown Prince Rasmus
Royal heir apparent, serving as Marshal of the Army.

Prince Herlifur
The Queen's second-born son, serving as Count of Ostugland (southern territory).

Liffa, Nils, Askill, Karin
Royal scions who are his de jure superiors, yet whose government offices can place them procedurally subordinate to him.

Usteynn Roedtas
Count of Blotskig (northern region)

Rikard Kortnes
Count of Murkig (northeastern region)

Osweald Sigwardsone
Minister of Kystslat (eastern region).

Sigebeald of Wyrtgeorn
Reclusive necromancer whom he dislikes on principle. Implores the Queen against recruiting him for the anti-ghoul project, but concedes to her wish. It is hinted Ranvild deliberately obfuscates the purpose of Sigebeald's summons to the capital to stress him out during the trip.