@bilrafo || Profile
granite loucks

@bilrafo (granite loucks)
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It's been a while...
25 August, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
17 June, 1988
bilrafo turned 36 this year.
California, Unspecified
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okay, here goes...

i'm an arcatian. that generally means i'm left-wing as far as polotics goes. and in my mind polotics goes a long way. well, not like that, but i keep up on all the stuff i need to argue about, and i know quite a bit of liberal propaganda.

i've been drawing since... forever. i originally started because i wanted to be better than my sister. ha. fat chance. most people tell me i'm pretty decent, which boosts my emotions after i look at my sister's art from fifth grade and weep that it's ten times better than anything i can draw as a sophmore in high school. well, i don't weep, just on the inside i groan in that special, loving, sisterly way.

i started drawing furries right before seventh grade, and that's about when i started anime too, but most of my doodles are neither. although that doesn't mean i don't have my special characters that participate in the conversations in my head... heh. yeah.

i do art trades, a commision would probably frighten me, since i have no art supplies with which to do one (although i could take up maddie's offer and join art club, so i could leach off the school's bad supplies...) and no one has ever approached me to tell me that i am a good artist. unless they happened to be looking over my shoulder. but that doesn't mean that i wouldn't be happy to do it. allow me at least a week and a half to recover from the blood rush to my head though. i have done several trades, so i know what that's about.

a little bit more about me: i'm generally a happy and cheery person, something lacking in today's teens, i shoot pool, i take a lot of pictures, and i'm an idiot. i'm proud though, otherwise i wouldn't start singing "o canada" in front of the school on homecoming. ahem. heh. it was fun.

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