@dreamshadow || Profile
Shana Mandze

@dreamshadow (Shana Mandze)
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It's been a while...
17 September, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
01 January, 1984
dreamshadow turned 40 this year.
Washington, Unspecified
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Hi! Wow, someone is actually taking the time to read this.. woot! :D Anyway, you're prolly looking to find info about lil ol' me. Well, there's nothin too wonderful to know about me, I'm really not a very interesting individual. But, since you're still reading this, I guess I'll tell ya about myself anyway.

Currently, I am a senior in high school. I'm putting off college for about a year once I graduate this year. I'd love to have a personal web sit up right now, but unfortunately, due to a lack of funds to get a decent web space, I have no site right now :/ A few art type jobs I'd love to get into are children's book illustration, conceptual and storyboard art for games and movies, and tattoo design, among any other jobs that may require the hand of an artist.

I draw in my free time, often falling into a trance while I create, so it's a very relaxing activity for me. My inspiration comes mostly from my dreams and nature, and sometimes from jokes, antics, and just general observation of life. I usually listen to music (trance, techno, or new age) while I draw, it always seems to help. Art has always been my passion in life, I've been drawing ever since I was a little kid, copying onto paper whatever I saw in front of me. Usually it was cartoon characters and photos of animals that I copied. But after a few years of this I finally went on to creating my own characters and creatures, only using reference when needed. So yes, in other words, i am a self-taught artist. I take art classes for the supplies and exposure to different materials, and to pick up key points I may have missed along the way. I also work with ceramics, but not as often.

Occasionally I write, usually poetry, and sometimes I'll start a story but they rarely make it past the first 2 pages.

Anyway, I'd love to do art trades, and I'll do art for people if I'm not bogged down with a lot of other things I need to do. I do reserve the right to say no if I know I don't have the time, so if you ask, keep this in mind. Sorry if it sounds selfish, but I'd be doing it for free.

Random bits of info about myself that you prolly don't care about but I'll tell you anyway... My fave colors are dark shades of blues, teals, and purples; I love to spend time with friends; I have a wonderful boyfriend (I'm quite fond of him ^^); my fave kinds of music to listen to are techno, trance, new age, and alternative, tho I'll listen to most anything but rap and country; my fave music groups are Delerium, Savage Garden, Gorillaz, Dead Can Dance, Enya, Enigma, Seal, Cranberries, Linkin Park, and Poe (Just to name a few :B ); some favorite songs of mine are Dreams by the Cranberries, Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz, and To The Moon and Back, by Savage Garden; my fave computer games are Myst 3 (if only I could get it to run on my own computer!! woe and dispair), Quake, Unreal, and Unreal Tournament (tho I'm not very good at any of them..); fave movies are Titan AE, Practical Magic, The Fifth Element, and The Last Unicorn (don't laugh! it's a cute movie....); I have a boxer dog named Strutter, a mixed breed kitty who looks mostly siamese but he's fatter (not obese tho.. just big) and has a sweeter personality than almost any other cat I've ever met named Toby, A cockateil named Korben, and I used to have a betta/japanese fighting fish, Donovan.. but he got Dropsy and went to fishy heaven(he was purdy, all blue and purple like..); I'm a follower and believer of the god and goddess and earthly religions; and I really really REALLY love run-on sentences!!!!

Well, if you've read this far, I am impressed! Anyway, there's really nothing more for me to say here. If you'd like to talk to me some time, feel free to do so! It's fun to meet people online ^^

((My bio pics: The far left and middle ones are from my senior pics, and the far right one is a pic someone got of me with my digi cam from my 10th grade year. They were holding it upside down, if you couldn't tell. :P ))

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