@maggcook || Profile
Maggie Cook

@maggcook (Maggie Cook)
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It's been a while...
06 July, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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birthday: Feb 15
hobbies: web design, art, anime, MUCKs, RPing (role-playing), and video games.
likes: That list is too long, just ask! ;)
dislikes: rap, drugs, pollution, sluts, arrogant artists, yiff (those who are so obsessed with it that they draw all their sick little fantasies -or experiences- and try to force people to rp sex online), close-minded people, the media, and people in general.

A few words: I am usually very open and like to talk about anything. I'm loving, trusting, and do my best to take after my role models: Chii from chobits, Belldandy from Ah! My goddess, and Ed from Cowboy Bebop. So even though i may seem very cold in my beliefs and towards my trust in society that doesn't mean I will lower myself to their level. Even though even I have my hypocritical moments. Don't be afraid to send me an IM or email because unless I have good reason I won't get upset with you or anyone else. It takes alot to get me truely mad at someone. Usually when I am a bit depressed or anti-social it's towards myself, and unless I say so don't take my moods swings personally. I am very honest and speak from my mind and heart which most times leads to a soap box speech. I'm such a drama queen. :)

contact: email - lostmoon_lament@yahoo.com / marunami@goddessmail.com
AIM - Leviathans Tears
Yahoo! Messenger - metal_shriek
FurryMUCK (address: furry.com port: 8888) - Varuna / Spell
SPORKmuck (address: katrina.ath.cx port: 8888) - Gamma
TLKMUCK (address: muck.tlkmuck.org port: 7675) - Saida

Lastly I would like to point out that I haven't much faith in my artwork or myself so if you ever want a picture done by me most likely it'll be a while before it's done or I'll never get to it at all.
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