@minzizum || Profile
Minzanu Izumi

@minzizum (Minzanu Izumi)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
05 September, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 October, 1989
minzizum turns 35 this year.
New York, Unspecified
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Do you really need to read my boring little (oops, I mean BIG) biography?

Alright, Alright... I'll right the stupid bio...

All my dumb old age, name, art stuff... EVERYTHING IS ON THE SIDEBAR! Isn't that enough info.? I guess not. --; I write fanfics, so a little biography shouldn't be too hard. rolls eyes

If you've seen my archive, then you KNOW that I'm obsessed with the anime, Yu-Gi-Oh!. And I'm a hyper-active, rabid, proud, Bakura fangirl! XD Even the people at school know not to insult Bakura in my presence! ^
^ He's just sooo cute!

I LOVE anime, and I wouldn't give up my TV to save my life. My favorites inculde Yu-Gi-Oh!, Digimon, Pokemon, and Zoids. My favorite cartoon is Invader Zim. And I must admit, I had a bit of an obsession with Zim and the Purple Tallest for a while. o_O' Thank Ra, Bakura showed up so I liked humans again.

My favorite movie is Dragonheart. And I like it's sequel too, Dragonheart - A New Beginning. I also reduce myself to watching my 'Digibaby Boom'TK tape when I'm bored. Takeru(TK) is one of my bishies too.
I should list them... Ash(Pokemon), Taichi(Digimon),Takeru(Digimon), Bit Cloud(Zoids), Leon(Zoids), Vega Obscura(Zoids)((okey so he's not old enough to be a bishie...)), Ryou Bakura(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Yami Bakura(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Seto Kaiba(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Malik Ishtar(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Jounouchi Katsuya(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Yugi Motou(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Yami Malik(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Yami Yugi(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Mokuba Kaiba(Yu-Gi-Oh!), Ivan(Golden Sun), Isaac(Golden Sun), and... I can't think of anymore... Oh yeah! And Cait Sith(Final Fantasy VII). I don't care if he's a robot, he's still my cute little shinra kitty!

As you can see, Yu-Gi-Oh! has most of the preety boys! XD But Bakura's the best along with his evil spirt. (Yami Minzanu: Yami B's a sexy little Master Tombrobber! XD*drools*) Yeeaaahhhh. nods slowly

I love to Duel. I got Dark Duel Stories for my B-Day and I beat in in three days. My favorite card/signiture card is the Red Eyes Black Dragon. I collect them. I need eight, then I wont need anymore. I'm the reincarnation of the Keeper of the Red-Eyed Black Beast!BWA HA HA!

I do requests and art trades. Just e-mail me at invader_zir@hotmail.com and chances are I'll accept. As long as it isn't so hard that only the Eygptains could draw it, and I'm not in a crappy mood, I'll draw. And copy my art and I'll WIPE YOU FROM THE FACE OF EARTH AND THE SHADOW REALM! >:D

Okey, I'm done blabbing my mouth. You can un-plug your ears now! XD

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