@pussinboots || Profile
Captain C0r1n Sän Inman

@pussinboots (Captain C0r1n Sän Inman)
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10 July, 2004
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 June
WA, Unspecified
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"I try to be nice, but I'm not a nice person. There is a distinct difference; make a note of it." - Talia Tay

The first thing I have to get out of the way is: I AM NOT TELLING YOU WHAT GENDER I AM because frankly, it is NOT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS :D So do not ask, and if you do ask, prepare to NOT BE TOLD. :) Anyway, on with the bio...

I legally changed my name so it is really spelled with the binary/l337, in case anyone thought I was joking. I wanted my name to have numbers in it so I could never take myself seriously--it is so hard to be pompous when you know your legal name looks like a Quake handle, you know?

I spend a lot of my time writing fantasy/sci-fi stories that have to do with the sea, then illustrating them. A lot of the time I am at the beach while I am doing it. If I could be anything that I am not, I think I would be a selkie--even with the pelt liability. For more information about my art visit http://purrvert.net/stargarden.

I have really bizarre hair that I do all on my own--multicolored extensions in locks or braids made of yarn or synth hair, with lots of trinkets, charms, and junk braided in. Every once in awhile I shave them off, which is what I just did recently. Then I have them again two months later. Right now I miss my cat ears, which I usually sew to my extensions, but I think I can wait two months--I have been wearing them since I was fifteen, which is several years ;) I like to wear fun makeup and a mixture of 18th century gentleman's clothing with cyberpunk women's fetish gear.

I have been known to listen to almost any kind of music but often I stray to mid-nineties alternative rock. My favorite author is Tad Williams, my favorite series is The Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, and my favorite trilogy is the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman. I write Narnia slash (and when the movie comes out, everyone will copy me). I have a stuffed frog named Norman who you can read more about at the bottom of the page.

I love myself because I am sarcastic, funny, skilled at most things I attempt, good with animals, fairly good looking (at least by my crippled standards haha), confident, and I have awesome lasers in my eyeballs that I use to zap people who displease me. I would love to hear about you so I can like your traits too, so feel free to message me. I am conceited, rude, slightly retarded, and I smell bad, but I am certainly not unfriendly :)

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