Amanda Lien

aaryn's profile
aaryn's profile by @alienfirst (Amanda Lien)

I got irritated since I've been working on this one off and on for two months, so I just decided to finish it. The wolf was rushed, and so was the background. Here's the Aaryn profile I promised that will make sense to no one except for Ayame. In short, Aaryn is an original character from my MIB/Buffy/Angel/X-Files crossover fanfic.

basics>> Full name: Aaryn (technically he doesn't have a last name, but he uses "Tyrell" on a not-so-frequent basis) Nickname(s): n/a Date of Birth: around 1700 Age: approximately 300 years

physical>> Hair: Blonde. Eyes: Golden. Hieght: 5' 7" Build: Somewhat short. He's not all that muscular but appearances can be decieving. Distinguishing Marks: None really. The only odd thing about him is that he has golden eyes.

occupation>> Not even he really knows what he does.

favorites>> Color: Red. Food: Sushi. Activity: Attempting to woo Elle.

least favorites>> Color: Blue. Food: Hot dogs. Activity: Swimming.

life>> Residency: Lives in Samantha's manor in the Pacific Northwest for the majority of the time, otherwise he can be found at MIB HQ. Family: His twin sister, Shakira. Pets: None.

misc.>> Lingual Skills: Can speak Russian fluently as he was born in that paricular country (although he has no Russian accent). Strengths: Very loyal. If he says he'll do something he'll do it. Aaryn also has a hieghtened sense of smell and hearing. Weaknesses: Somewhat on the oblivious side. He is by no means dumb, he just chooses to handle things as they pop up with little planning. Aaryn has an unusual fear of water.

Aaryn was born in Russia around the year 1700. He (along with Shakira) was not born human, technically he is a gray wolf. Aaryn is the 4th elemental to awaken being the male elemental of fire. Due to the difficulty of making his way around society as a wolf, he was able to use his abilities as an elemental to assume human form.

Sometime in the 1800's Aaryn stayed in Ireland for quite a few years. There he met his first love, a woman named Katerynn. Some very infortunate business followed after the two had grown quite attached to each other causing Aaryn to leave Ireland in a very depressive state of mind (not telling what, it's a mini spoiler for the end).

Eventually Aaryn and Shakira made it to the US in the early 1900's (becuase of their elemental spirits they really don't age at all). The two meander around there for a bit until 1961 where they met up with the infamous Men in Black. Due to the fact that Shakira and Aaryn needed the same amount of "privacy" (so-to-speak) that the MIB need to complete their job, the different groups join together. Time passes, yadda yadda yadda, Zed and Shakira get extremely pissed off at each other, Shakira leaves MIB dragging Aaryn along with her, and the wolves go "mode hopping" (a mode is an alternate universe -the quick and easy explanation) for a couple years until they find a clinically insane 14 year old girl who also happens to be the Imperial Empress (laymans terms -the most powerful person in existence with the ability to defeat Chaos). They take this girl back to MIB HQ (the safest place they can find) much to Shakira's protests.

That's really not specifically Aaryn's history, but he has a prominent hand in many of the goings on early in the story. He (along with Shakira and the little girl) do leave MIB HQ again but come back (which is the beginning point of the first Mode Ryuu episode). Once Aaryn returns to MIB HQ he is completely smittin with Agent Elle. Aaryn will do just about anything Elle says. If she told him to jump off a cliff he would probably do just that and run back asking if she wanted him to do it again. The whole relationship works out in the end, naturally, since Elle is the female elemental of fire.

Throughout Mode Ryuu there is sort of a running gag. If you lose a bet, you have to sing karaoke. Samantha and Aaryn are usually the ones to bet against each other and they bet on absolutely everything. Fortunately for Aaryn he can sing and sing well.

Lastly, Aaryn gets along well with just about everyone he meets. He may seem like an idiot at first but that's only because he doesn't see the situation as one that you need to be serious in.

Finished Work
21y304d ago
Other Work By @alienfirst

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 01:53 PM

Sweetness. That looks awesome. The wolf must have taken forever, ne? I'm glad you typed up the description, I understand better now. We need to have some Mode Ryuu talk before I go to college, okay? I wanna hear all your latest revelations.

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