Amanda Lien

sana and rei
sana and rei by @alienfirst (Amanda Lien)

I screwed up >_< I was shading with the pencil when I remembered that I had forgotten to add more substance to the lines with ink... This is Rei and Sana with a couple of chipmunks. While I don't particularly reccommend Kodomo no Omocha (I personally would choose Chobits, Angelic Layer, Ah! Megami-sama!, and Evangelion over this particular anime/manga), it still is rather cute.

Finished Work
21y291d ago
Other Work By @alienfirst

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Thursday, 22 August, 2002 @ 12:09 AM

Well hey, it looks great even without the extra ink. The chipmunks are adorable. ^_^ I like this Rei better than the way they draw him in the manga, methinks...Sana, too.

Posted: Thursday, 22 August, 2002 @ 05:21 PM

awwwwwwwwww... only... err.... Chipmunks don't have squirrel tails, they have short furry tail (kinda like a deer's)

Posted: Thursday, 22 August, 2002 @ 06:46 PM

Actually I believe that there are one or two species of chipmunk that have squirrel-like tails. These chipmunks are drawn the way they are drawn in the manga, not due to any animal anatomy inconsistencies of mine.

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