Tabi Judd

The Neverhood Cover-Thingy-Thing...!?
The Neverhood Cover-Thingy-Thing...!? by @tayjudd (Tabi Judd)

Something like that. o_o ... XD

Okei, why the shiznit did I do this? Weeeeell, it's for MAH FREEN AMEE--I mean... Glynnus. o_o Y'see, his copy of the Neverhood broke a long time ago, and so I'm sending him another copy, and it dun have a cover on it, soooo I drawed this.

=D ... = '

Anyway, that's it. Oh, except that the reason why it's all... crooked... is because my dad's really tired and can't scan right. #_@

He's hopping around humming the Neverhood music I'm listening to... aaaaaand he tells me that if I type any faster that I'll get carple tunel (SP!?!!?!) ... I already HAVE arthritis and that... other... problem... yeah. o_o

Finished Work
21y360d ago
Other Work By @tayjudd

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 15 August, 2002 @ 11:02 AM

What? Nobody else comments on it? Okay, then I'll do that. Neat idea for a Neverhood cover! o(-) And the coloring and their poses and expressions.. reallyreally cool.

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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