Dragon Genders (old)
Dragon Genders (old) by @Agondray

Another piece I did during high school.

This was more of a world building experiment I did during study hall period. I noticed how some animals were given different words to describe their genders.

Examples Foxes: M - dogs, tods, reynards F - vixens

Horses: M - stallions F - mares

Deer: M - bucks, stags F - does, cows

I remember reading somewhere on the internet at that time that male dragons were called “agondrays” and females were called “dracons”. I don’t know just how true that information is, especially considering that the word “agondray” is actually Pig Latin for dragon. That info could’ve just been made up as far as I know. Anyways, this picture was made with that in mind while was developing one of my many story ideas.

Hope you enjoy, and feel free to tell me what you think about this topic!

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 26 February, 2023 @ 05:23 PM

Corporate needs you to find the difference between these pictures.

Now that you mention it, I don't think I know any gendered words for reptiles. Now, given birds are descended from dinosaurs, it's possible we could crib ducks and call male dragons drakes, but from what I've seen of Scalie Supremacists, 'hens' will probably get under more than a few people's skin. :^)

Posted: Thursday, 02 March, 2023 @ 05:08 AM

@Thorvald: Heh! They look too similar!

Yeah, reptiles having no known gender names can be a bit of challenge to overcome when describing specific reptilian species for world building and lore making. The dinosaur/bird thought is an interesting concept that artists have worked on for dragons. That point actually reminded me of some lore I found for dragons in the Elder Scrolls universe. Even though they were supposedly genderless, all dragons seen the games spoke with a voice that sounded masculine. According to some little known lore though; these were the “male” dragons, which were called Drakes. Then there are “female” dragons that existed outside any known plane of existence, and were much more powerful. They were called Jills.

Some more research and pondering will be necessary before I write something that is more final and fleshed out for my story universe, but those are some interesting ideas that shared with me. It’s always good to hear some suggestions/ideas, so I thank you!

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