
  • GrandLaner Sky Sea Adventures-Air pirates go into dark cave after the hero and friends
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/thumbnails/audio/small/4971cb9ad506d1ab86cd0f430b368e66899fe019.jpg
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/originals/audio/4971cb9ad506d1ab86cd0f430b368e66899fe019.mp3

GrandLaner Sky Sea Adventures-Air pirates go into dark cave after the hero and friends by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

In a cave using modified reverb settings and echo to emulate being in a cave of sorts. Air Pirates are going into a cave where the hero and friends fled to escape them. What ensues is a heated discussion about dark caves night lights and how one pirate is unfortunate enough to lead a small band deeper into the cave to find the Hero and friends hiding away.

this is just a demo take and not finalized with sound effects and music but will showcase just how much effort is going into the voice over work for the production. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did both writing it coming up with the voices and then acting it all out.

The air pirates in question are based off Pintel and Regetti from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Voice work is © Material for GrandLaner Sky Sea Adventures and is ©XxTheCreativeKitsunexX J Delorey Productions and Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD. All Rights Reserved.

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 25 February, 2023 @ 10:26 PM

At the risk of starting a literal class war, Cockney's one of those accents that just lends itself to comedy. :B

Posted: Sunday, 26 February, 2023 @ 12:15 AM

@Thorvald wrote:

At the risk of starting a literal class war, Cockney's one of those accents that just lends itself to comedy. :B

Everyone has heard of Monty Python and probably seen Mr.Bean so yeah I think its safe to say its widely used in comedy roles. __

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