Tabi Judd

A Different Angle Into Albia...?
A Different Angle Into Albia...? by @tayjudd (Tabi Judd)

I dunno whether to call this a Rough Drawing or a Finished Image. >_o

Anyone who has played the original Creatures 1 game and remembers the areas well... probably won't know where this is. o_o ... Nyeh.

There's the Lighthouse with the Telescope (which I drew a little too big) in it, and the Well and the teleporter... Then there's a few extra things because of what COBs (Creatures Objects) I had injected into the world... There's a grapevine, and a bridge over the gap there. You can see the trees and stuff that were in that flat background behind everything that the Norns can walk on. You can almost see Lover's Leap from here. I'll have to sketch that out sometime as well. ^^;

Rough / Concept
21y324d ago
Other Work By @tayjudd

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