El Thorvaldo Moderator

Flag of Shanghai (I&B4)
Flag of Shanghai (I&B4) by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The Serene Republic of China was one of two Chinese states in Iron and Blood 4. Originally created by Bowsling as the Republic of Shanghai, he subsequently switched to the Ottomans after another player dropped out, and the country was adopted by Krzowwh. An oligarchic republic founded amid the collapse of the Ming Dynasty in the 1750s, it went on to reconquer most of the northern empire in the vaguely-described "Peking Wars" during the Nineteenth Century; Bowsling originally established it as a maritime empire with colonies reaching from Hawai'i to East Africa, but GM fiat reorganized its holdings to most of mainland China, including Tibet and Mongolia, while retaining overseas outposts in New Guinea and surrounding islands. It is mentioned losing control of Manchuria in Japan's history, although it is unclear if the countries faced a formal state of war.

SVG recreation of Bowsling's original design, uploaded to the now-defunct IOT Wiki in 2020, normalizing dimensions and slightly adjusting alignment. The character 上 (shàng) has multiple definitions, but in this context most likely means 'superior'/'elevated'. Package includes the master file and export version with embedded text; uses KaiTi font.

Download submitted to DeviantArt October 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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