Tabi Judd

DoodLeS has a MiniMe!
DoodLeS has a MiniMe! by @tayjudd (Tabi Judd)

Here is my first sculpture of a Neverhood fancharacter, DoodLeS. Everyone cheer for the piece of plain, white poster board that was used in the making of the background! ... Actually, it's standing on the board... oh well.

As of now, this guy stands (hugging itself because if I try to mess with it, it starts to fall apart) with Thawly, Klaymen (holding a FwaSheep), and a few other random (and unfinished) sculptures that aren't internet-worthy (Yep, they're THAT bad), up on a shelf in the dining room. Which is EXACTLY what I needed. (That sentance was dripping with sarcasm, mind you.)

Well, I have good reason to be sarcastic. (points at the wide eyes) IT STARES AT ME WHILE I'M EATING!! (Willie: Scaring...) And it scares me... I STILL swear that thing is alive... I have no where else to put it... I've turned it completley around... and when I get back, it's like I never touched it. Yerg... Oo;

Finished Work
22y24d ago
Other Work By @tayjudd

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