@Masonicon || Journal Entry
Zakaria Shalih

Why I don't use Artfight(and Toyhouse)
22 Aug 2023, 08:35 AM

inspired by this: (https://www.deviantart.com/tammytheranger/journal/Why-I-don-t-have-a-Toyhouse-account-976131651)

I'm not pulling these from thin air, here's the legitimate reasons why I don't use both Artfight and Toyhouse and doesn't have it's accounts:

  1. the Invite Code(Toyhouse specific): one of the main reasons I don't use Toyhouse is because it's invite code which's needed to join it, and there's possibility that sharing Invite codes with PMs can get myself accused of scamming
  2. my Laziness(specific to Artfight in Particular): cuz having Artfight residence can requires myself to drawing so often for Art Trades, and my botched art trade with Whitestriker01(for what I draw are too far off from what she'll draw for me, so she blocked me for this reason) did makes me don't do art trades anymore due to possibility that my artworks are rushed for Art trades
  3. DM Spam(specific to Toyhouse):Users on TH has a habit of spamming newcomer's DMs with offer of either giving them their character or worse, shipping offers especially if it's a character from a fandom they're unfamiliar with or hates.
  4. I'm bit too fandom-oriented to use Toyhouse: in fact, I prefers to powering-up my favorite canon characters over having OCs when I do Fanfics
  5. Spam: cuz Toyhouse invite codes spamming are thing, maybe for artfight(for anything other invite code spams
  6. and most importantly, one of Artfight Staff did work on troubled Artrise's development where she ended up corrupting Artrise's funds
  7. Toyhouse is only run by single admin, which explains lack of moderation
  8. Toyhouse's community is toxic and immature
  9. lot of users there doesn't understand concept of ownership and have very unhealthy obsession with that they doesn't own

now you know why I don't use both Artfight and Toyhouse, even when both are some of Deviantart alternatives

Comments (8)

Posted: Tuesday, 22 August, 2023 @ 06:57 PM

Honestly, any site that runs off invites I treat as suspect as a matter of course: at best it betrays a clique attitude, at worst, what are you hiding from the public..? (See also: the B*zzly lockdown.)

Posted: Tuesday, 22 August, 2023 @ 11:17 PM

@Thorvald: update: Buzzly now drops it's invite-only sign-up, even when this makes me resorting to ban-evading buzzly

Posted: Tuesday, 19 September, 2023 @ 01:12 AM

@Thorvald: It's usually done to make the amount of new users more steady. A sudden massive influx of new activity can cause a lot of strain, especially when the site's still new and first taking off. Like how Artfight becomes borderline unusable at the beginning of each session, or how a lot of those new startup sites get super laggy when they're gaining traction.

Though iirc Toyhou.se has been doing this for around a decade? I feel like there should be more progress by that point, but idk how much money it costs to function and how much funding they get.

Posted: Tuesday, 19 September, 2023 @ 04:58 PM

@Rinnarrae: Aye, when you're in private beta, throttling makes sense. When you're quote-unquote "public" but you're still running on invites, that's when I scratch my head. :p

Posted: Tuesday, 22 August, 2023 @ 07:53 PM

Honestly as a toyhouse user myself, I'd say there are some more very good reasons to stay away from that site.

  • There's no moderation. The site is all run and maintained by a single admin.
  • The community environment is toxic, immaturity and pettiness abound!
  • A lot of users in the community really don't seem to understand the concept of ownership and have a very unhealthy obsession with trying to police the use of characters and designs they don't own.

As for artfight, well it's just an annual art gifting game that runs for one month of the year, it's not intended to be a general art community type site like here or DA. But some serious issues regarding the owner and site management did come to light recently so I don't blame anyone for not wanting to take part.

Posted: Tuesday, 22 August, 2023 @ 11:16 PM

@Polar-Tang: I has updated this journal with these reasons

Posted: Wednesday, 23 August, 2023 @ 04:31 PM

@Polar-Tang: I remember there was some speculation one of the reasons B*zzly went to sh!te was because the mass influx of Toyhousers brought their drama with them.

Posted: Tuesday, 19 September, 2023 @ 01:00 AM

I mainly use Toyhou.se as an organized archive for oc stuff and a place to put public character refs. I've never had a total stranger even interact with me, let alone get spam dms, but that's probably because I only interact with people I know from elsewhere and steer clear of the forums as the users on there are pretty nasty. My friends that use it in a similar way haven't had issues with that either afaik, so as long as you do that you might be okay?

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