@N0-11 || Journal
Nihilina Gloomee

@N0-11's Recent Submissions
Why I hate Corporate Censorship
16 Jul 2024, 04:21 PM

I mainly hate corporate censorship is because Corporations will do anything to gain money, even to the point of screwing people over, who are victims of crimes against humanity, like rape, murder, suicide, etc. YouTube, Instagram and a bunch of other stuff, alongside censoring some artists unnessasarly, I‘m still looking forward to booting up my personal website, I hate corporations for a reason, they screw over people when it’s convenient too, like firing a lot of employees in ma... Read more

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Working on scholarships, so art posting will be slow
13 Jul 2024, 05:35 PM

Basically what the title of this journal says, art will be slowing down because I'll be busy signing for scholarships, I'll only listen to random stuff on Invidious and on my Motorola razor plus phone too.

(There may be some wips that I'll post on my Vk and such and that's it really.)

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Drawing another “cartoon in photo” illustration thing + Etc
12 Jul 2024, 01:53 AM

Drawing another fairy but on another soft chair this time, in a dark room. They are a rotten blueberry fairy too, I'll probably draw little tears on the chair too.

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Will learn more python stuff on my new phone + Etc
08 Jul 2024, 05:46 AM

I'm also thinking of doing more stuff with my personal website to have it running on Nearlyfreespeech, it'll take a little while for me to get things up and running, and I'm thinking of using Python for styling too, but I'll look into if that's possible  or not, again I'll have to look into more coding stuff that's helpful online (including W3school) and stuff.

I'm sorry for rambling a bunch in this journal, I've been thinking of setting up the technical stuff for my personal sit... Read more

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Got a new phone for my birthday
06 Jul 2024, 09:01 PM

I got the phone I wanted to get, the motorola Razr plus, hopefully it'll be working properly too, ad I might add an andriod emulator too, maybe for nougat or something, first, I just need to get a case for it.

Thanks for reading, a I got some new hand sanitizers for my little thing, then gotten some mini lotions and fresh gingham body soap too.

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Got a new phone for my birthday
06 Jul 2024, 09:01 PM

I got the phone I wanted to get, the motorola Razr plus, hopefully it'll be working properly too, ad I might add an andriod emulator too, first, I just need to get a case for it.

Thanks for reading, a I got some new hand sanitizers for my little thing, then gotten some mini lotions and fresh gingham body soap too.

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Whenever I get a dvd or something 💿
30 Jun 2024, 05:23 PM

I'm thinking of getting some dvds, then rip them and post the original file to the internet archive. I have a Cd bag too, so I'll put the dvds in there.

(I say a dvd player since my laptop doesn't have a cd drive, which is lame imo)

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Movies I’ll hopefully rewatch + Etc
28 Jun 2024, 12:52 AM

Here's a list of movies I want to rewatch, this will get updated here and there.


The Voices - I've seen this movie a few years ago, and I wanted to continue rewatching movies I've seen with my memory as best as I can. I also like the premise of this movie tbh.


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I’ll follow 2000’s accounts on here + Etc
24 Jun 2024, 09:38 PM

I'll follow some 2000's accounts on Side7 that I find interesting to look at, I know most of them are inactive but still.

I'll also finish an illustration for this month that's for an art street monthly art thing too. The theme is Water.

Thanks for reading my little journal, hopefully I'll make more journals about Movies and shows I watch, mainly to keep track of them tbh.

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Editing my album songs audio, then post it to Audius + Etc
19 Jun 2024, 06:40 PM

I'm still going to remake the songs in another album at some point, since a bunch of them are too loud and stuff, and some songs feel rushed, I will add maybe three more songs in the remake album, it'll be called Bittersweet Abyss of Toothache.

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I might experiment with making animated gifs and compressing the images
19 Jun 2024, 04:48 AM

I've been having a ball with an online image compressor whenever I try to post my bigger art on the art shield program (it ended up being too big, so that's why some artwork I made gets compressed) but I want and draw some animated frames in infinite Painter, then compress each image, then post it as a gif. I'll mess around with this after I upload a new video to my video sharing accounts.

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Going Offline due to heat stroke
16 Jun 2024, 07:20 PM

I'll still make artwork of coarse, I just won't be making it on my iPad, mainly to avoid looking at screens as well, so I have my fm radio my grandma gave me years ago, headphones, an aux cable and a bunch of art supplies for drawing offline, I'll also take some naps too, I will upload art still, I just won't interact with anyone online, mainly to not look at my screens too much.

Thank you so much for reading.

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Updated & added more character bios
16 Jun 2024, 07:19 AM

Just a journal about me adding more info for my character bios, and adding more info for them.

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I saw Bad Boys: Ride Or die this afternoon
14 Jun 2024, 11:16 PM

I saw the recent bad boys movie, and I really enjoyed the movie and it's action scenes, alongside the jokes and the characters. I'll give this movie a 10/10 imo.

(I'm not making a letterboxed account, not yet at least.)

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Thinking of reincarnating my south park ocs to just two characters + Etc
11 Jun 2024, 03:32 AM

I think I originally drew four south park, I just need to post a photo of these ocs, they're in one of my smaller sketchbooks, because I swear I posted about them on my Instagram, but I'll look for them in my older sketchbooks, anyways, I might make Ruthie a south park oc, and redesign her since she looks similar to an earthbound oc I made too. I'll give her a friend that's understanding and vocal about stuff that bothers her too tbh. I'll name her Abella Mo for the time being. I deeply apolo... Read more

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So I watched Jigsaw today + Etc
09 Jun 2024, 03:48 AM

I wanted to check out Jigsaw on Invidious (a front end for YouTube) and I thought It was pretty entertaining, mostly the saw traps tbh.

Ever since I saw the saw traps when I was a preteen, I enjoyed seeing them and how they function (sorry if I sound creepy saying this) and yeah, I did see the trap scenes for Saw X recently-ish as well. I'm looking forwa... Read more

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I noticed that Artfol is done rn
08 Jun 2024, 08:51 PM

I hope it's not my iPad messing with me again, or they're updating their site for maintenance reasons, I keep getting a 502 whenever I load the site, it better not be soulless ai-bros behind this, but I hope that isn't the case though.

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Probably find some obscure movies from Pirate Bay and Tubi + Etc
05 Jun 2024, 01:37 AM

That's all really, I'll also be Han going out with some family members at some point too, so my art posting might slow down for a bit.

I hope I'll find the obscure movies I've seen in the past will pop up on Tubi, I saw bad Girls club, yes I watched that show as a teen for some reason. Alongside other videos I watched with my parents in 2017 "the hero's from another world" that I dubbed for the movie I'm quietly find online. There might be a trailer for it, I hope there is.

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My thoughts on pro/anti ship stuff
28 May 2024, 12:09 PM

I'm not, nor I ever will be interested in neither side of this stuff, and it just screams terminally online too.

It's also just a waste of time and energy, imo.

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Currently writing another character on Notepad + Choosing a static site generator
27 May 2024, 07:23 PM

currently writing down stuff for Femina, while also looking at more static sites, like hexo or soupault, since I just made an account on nearly free speech, so I just need to connect my chosen static site generator and my gitea files. I think I'll stick with GoHugo, I can always just download it from the source, I already have Go installed onto my laptop, and Git, and will be downloading Clang onto my flashdrive, alongside downloading gnuwin for clang too.

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People who complain about a website, then keeps using it
22 May 2024, 09:37 AM

I really don’t understand people who talk like this, or worse, some will just make unhinged serious claims about a website they hate and won’t show proof of any kind, I always take serious thrown around claims with a bitter grain of salt too. But yeah, I always block people that just endlessly screech about a website they hate (like minds for example, but that’s inevitable tbh) then they claim all sorts or unhinged crap about a site, without proof, which will make me think they’re just making u... Read more

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Thinking of making original songs with Virgo game sound fonts + Etc
20 May 2024, 05:45 PM

Sometimes I listen to stuff using different sound fonts, I want to mess around with sound fonts to make more music, mostly for experimental reasons and stuff.

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Why I never reference current day stuff/pop culture in my comics + Etc
18 May 2024, 12:19 AM

Mainly because it’ll make the comic age like milk, and I’m never a fan of comics/tv shows referencing irl current day stuff and pop culture because it’ll age pretty badly like 40 year old milk, and not trying to be timeless at all. Anyways, thanks for reading my little journal about this topic. (I also will never make a comic ragging on people that think differently from me, because that’s really really stupid and petty, I sometimes see comic creators pulling this crap online and I hate it.)

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Currently going to host my personal website on Cloudcannon for gohugo stuff
16 May 2024, 03:51 AM

Basically doing what the title of this journal, I might as well use this site to continue editing my site, alongside hopefully adding gohugo to it, I'm also downloading my full Gitea repo for this thing too. I can't copy my repo to gitlab, but I am on the free trial for Gitlab, I could be missing something though.

Thanks for reading everyone, I'll end up taking a break after messing around with coding stuff for a bit, mainly to continue on more art and apparel designs offline. When my trial... Read more

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Should I make desktop wallpapers again? 🖥️
14 May 2024, 04:55 AM

After looking at some different wallpapers from fruiter Aero, to grunge and then gothic, I also want to imitate 2000’s type aesthetics tbh, since I always loved the windows 7 wallpapers tbh. (Alongside looking at old websites from the web design museum, it’s pretty interesting to look at tbh.)

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loading up Mist and setting it up on my laptop
13 May 2024, 02:00 AM

It's going to be a pain in the butt to set up, but it'll be worth it at least. (I just need stable diffusion and another program for Mist to work properly.) This'll take a while for me to set this thing up tbh. (Edit: Screw it, I'm going to get Glaze again, I just need to make an account for nvidia and be able to use the gpu program for Glaze.)

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I’m still making art no matter what (Screw AI still + Etc)
12 May 2024, 04:17 AM

I’ll still make artwork, even when I try out different art styles (mainly for experimenting tbh) and I still despise AI bros too, they all suck too, I also refuse to be afraid of this Ai stuff, even when it looks uncanny and stuff. That’s all really, I’ll still try to boot up Mist or Glaze, I’m just going to ignore windows defender sometimes because it’s downright insufferable.

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May The 4th Be with you
05 May 2024, 04:44 AM

I know it’s a day late, but I just wanted to say this in a form of a journal.

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Going to make more sketches of Gozeetha
30 Apr 2024, 03:51 PM

That’s all really for the day, and I miss drawing that splintery yellow demon. (I might make his animal form more evil looking, but I’ll wait and see.)

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Feminist (WRS) Ideas warming up to me + Etc
24 Apr 2024, 08:24 PM

I know I made a journal about questioning the patriarchal society I live under, and I want to be a women's Rights Supporter and stuff too. I'm honestly thinking of making my own ideologies in the future that are completely different from ones on Earth, since Humans are already pretty boring imho. Yeah, I'll still be pretty neutral on some stuff happening in the world, and I'll do that with social commentary art, and I sketched a drawing idea for "gender isolation as well" so I hope you all loo... Read more

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Drawing Krossetta in a nurse outfit for my 5th Twitter anniversary
22 Apr 2024, 01:56 AM

The nurse outfit is inspired by a JP artist named Doxxxem. And I might make this drawing more surreal after I just finished sketching it on my sketchbook, than finish it on my iPad.

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Just downloaded my porfolio (Html only webpages)
17 Apr 2024, 05:01 PM

So I just did that, and when I update a page on my porfolio website, I'll save the updated version and overwrite the previous version. (I wish I tried this with websites I like going to like artist's websites.)

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Thinking of making both gijinkas for the political left and right fighting into a sinkhole + Etc
15 Apr 2024, 03:37 AM

Since I’m being a political cynic, I want to make a digital drawing of Lefty Chan & Righty Chan fighting while falling into the deep sinkhole. (I’ll draw them as guys because seeing two women fighting each other over petty bs is frankly depressing.)

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Why I’m never a fan of two-faced politifreaks online + etc
14 Apr 2024, 05:16 AM

I’ll explain what a politifreak is, a person that lets their political views and bias get the better of them for the absolute worst. Now that I explained what these individuals are, I might as well explain why I downright despise these people. They let their emotions get the better of them, sometimes they defend the worst types of human beings as a “gotcha” alongside many other insufferable flaws, and constantly pushing stupid crap like “Saudi Arabia should stop banning lgbt stuff” or brain de... Read more

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Thinking of something + Etc
10 Apr 2024, 05:48 PM

I don’t know if I should make get SoundCloud Pro or use another site that’s like SoundCloud. I still want to post more music to SoundCloud, but I don’t want to pay a subscription just to post more music. (Don’t worry, I post music to Vk and here.) I want to post more music on Bandcamp but I don’t trust PayPal too much tbh. Hmm. I’ll have to think about it. (I might use Last.fm too, hmm.)

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Thinking of giving Poetrie a default bright outfit
06 Apr 2024, 07:27 PM

Mainly because she has dark skin and stuff. (I also find really dark and really bright skin [albino] skin to be beautiful as well. I also want to give her a cute and pretty outfit too, I draw her on my Switch for this month as well.

Thanks for reading everyone.🐦‍⬛

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Thinking of making custom Twin Peaks 88x31 buttons
03 Apr 2024, 01:47 AM

Since I added a da stamp based off of Twin Peaks, I want to make my own buttons, I have an idea for a first one. Thanks for reading.

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Thinking of making custom Twin Peaks 88x31 buttons
03 Apr 2024, 01:42 AM

Since I added a da stamp based off of Twin Peaks, I want to make my own buttons, I have an idea for a first one. Thanks for reading.

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Just posted a new comic strip for the Fork!
31 Mar 2024, 08:07 AM

Just wanted to make a little announcement that my fork comic has another new strip that’s just released now. (I’m also using Medibang on my iPad from now on, I used to use Ibispaint to make my digital comics.)

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Drawing a female only psychic/electric fakémon
28 Mar 2024, 01:37 PM

I also wanted to color here after the women’s suffrage flag colors too, because why not. It’s also a mix with those old 1950’s cat plush toys with rubber faces, and a soft teddy bear.

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Just added more storage to my gallery now
26 Mar 2024, 01:31 AM

Just a quick update since I got another item from the S7 store just now. Item: 5GB of storage for my gallery.

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Currently making another social commentary illustration
25 Mar 2024, 06:31 PM

This time it'll be against internet ID's in general, I don't mean usernames by the way. hopefully I'll finish it when I'm done with another drawing I'm finishing up.

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Why I'm never a fan of puritians in general + Etc
24 Mar 2024, 11:18 PM

I personally don't get it really, especially when some men tell women to cover up the most, which I also see as bogus most of the time, and as an excuse to mistreat them however they want, Religion included. I'm also not a fan of freeing the nipple either since I don't want people going to jail over it, imo. But whatever, my country's full of puritians most of the time anyways, telling women what they can and can't do while making excuses to take away their rights and crap while also saying i... Read more

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Going to try out Twisted Python + Etc
18 Mar 2024, 01:53 PM

I was going to use Git to make my own server, but I also want to run my own server that can run in my computer, I'll have to look into this, I mainly just want to make a local server on my computer, because if my internet goes out on my laptop, my site won't be running and having issues. Thanks for reading and stuff, and have a great morning.

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Just updated my portfolio site a little bit more and will finish another drawing + etc
16 Mar 2024, 03:12 AM

I'm also going to make some test designs for my tshirts to see how good they look, and I also added more things to my porfolio, and will hopefully start on my general holiday themed artwork, I'll start drawing some easter themed stuff, I'll only put the tshirt designs in a vk folder and maybe on my misskey io cloud as well, for safe keeping. Thanks for reading.

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Drawing an old fake phone + upcoming oekaki drawing idea
11 Mar 2024, 02:58 AM

I liked drawing flip phones when I first saw them online, and I want to draw a mix of a pig and an insect, that’s all really. Thanks for reading and stuff. 🐖🪳🪰🪲🕷️🦟🦗🐜🐞🐝🦋🐖

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Going to draw a YT pfp from a channel I'm trying to remember in a bit in MsPaint
09 Mar 2024, 11:27 AM

The title basically sums up what I'll be doing on my laptop, and to keep myself from going a little mad trying to find one obscure yt channel. Thanks for reading everyone, Danke schon.

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Trying to edit free to use photos on Infinite Painter + Etc
08 Mar 2024, 05:35 AM

I want to make photo collage with free to use photos online, whenever I want to mess around with photos and edit them and make a cool photo/ drawing collage thingy. Thanks for reading, Online photo collages have a special place in my heart.

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I’ll give Artfol a try + Etc
07 Mar 2024, 02:04 PM

I want to give newer art sites a try, I liked Newgrounds but I want to move here instead as an archive spot. I’ll probably follow artists in Artfol, I want to try Artrift again too, I’m not sure.

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Whenever I lose all my sanity + Etc
06 Mar 2024, 05:48 AM

I hope to use it to make art and only make art, includibg paintings, but I'll be fine, for the most part. (I also have a fascinating to schizophrenia and artwork themed arount absurdity as well too.)

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Hoping to get this screen burn off my phone
05 Mar 2024, 05:53 PM

I've been having annoying screen burn on my phone for a long while now, hopefully a video that helps with screen burn will help, and it's probably not helping that I use an os theme that brightly colored too, not sure if that's it, I'm not sure tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Context: the screen burn issue I'm having is that the keyboard is still there, including when I stop typing on my keyboard on my phone. I still refuse to get a new phone because phones cost as much as a game system or a pc in general, holy ... Read more

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Why I hardly trust vigilante type groups nowadays + rant
05 Mar 2024, 01:38 AM

It’s mainly because too many of them are terminally online to stop the people they claim to destroy and all that stuff, then hurt the people they constantly screaming they’re protecting and stuff. It’s seriously why I don’t believe online vigilante groups won’t do anything, in all fairness I could be talking about the clout chasing types and holy crap I hate clout chasers in general so much.

I’m sorry for ranting about this, I always see online vigilante types claiming they’ll get a person ar... Read more

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I think it's for the better that the thread for Deviantart is closed now + Etc
04 Mar 2024, 08:47 PM

I say this because I didn't get to say anything before that thread closed, and yeah, nothing good ever happens on Deviantart, I still question why people keep joining that dying website imho. (I'm still not a fan of wanna-be professionals either but that's just my little comment.) I might make a social commentary drawing about wannabe hollowood people, then Dovenina kicks them all out for their smug arrogance in general, yeah, Dovenina deeply dislikes arrogant people altogether, alongside some... Read more

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Going to mess around with inspect element on my profile + Etc
03 Mar 2024, 10:54 PM

I'm going to mess around with inspect element, and hopefully will change my profile and maybe gallery page with the dark purple midnight theme, that's what I'm calling it for the time being, and hopefully I'll post some more art later this upcoming week, I just have a lot of art ideas I don't know which one to pick tbh, lol.\ Thanks for reading and stuff.

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Why I seriously despise hackers 100% of the time…
02 Mar 2024, 07:18 AM

I hate how most of them just take over a person’s account and destroy just for attention and money, YouTube included, I’m so upset with how garbage YouTube is towards people’s channels getting hijacked, and what to the YouTube user get? A middle finger from an automated message, I seriously hate humans so much sometimes… YouTube’s staff/mod bots are all useless nowadays, fricking frick YouTube, and frick hackers, I hate all hackers in general, I hope they all disappear from planet Earth one day... Read more

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Messing Around with the Stylus extension
01 Mar 2024, 03:11 PM

I'm currently messing with the stylus extension on my laptop, using Slimbrowser. I'll probably use a bunch of styles for different websites I visit as well tbh, including Gitea and Codeberg, if I can find any at least.

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I’m going to try to run GoHugo program on my hard drive Thursday night.
29 Feb 2024, 04:40 AM

If my laptop tells me I can’t use it, than I might as well use GitHub, I’ll mirror the repo from my gitea anyways, or make a Wordpress com account too.

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Have you guys ever tried to find something online from memory? + Etc
27 Feb 2024, 05:29 AM

I feel like this is a me problem, but I always try to find older videos on YouTube, and other parts of the Japanese internet in the art site side really, I also posted some traditional art based off of a movie I saw with my family back in 2017. The movie looked kind of interesting, the acting is cheesy, the sfx is kind of cartoony looking and there's a deadpool spiderman chimera character that works woth these group of other heros too I think, and the dude with the purple thunder is an Antagon... Read more

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How are you all doing today? + etc
22 Feb 2024, 01:14 AM

I've personally doing good, just trying to live with a sickness until I get the medicine needed for it, finishing a song I'm making and thinking which drawing I want to finish next too. And also messing around with the Gutenberg editor from Wordpress.

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Will reupload some OFF fanart I made
19 Feb 2024, 04:54 PM

I want to reupload some OFF fanart I made from my DA when I used to be obsessed with the game and it's fan games, I might try out the other fan games in the future though. And yeah. ⚾️

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Finishing another Soundtrap song
16 Feb 2024, 07:27 PM

This song is another rock sounding experiment song, I’m still wondering what style of songs I want to pick for my Maidcore music persona, I might make a telegram group for my Maidcore songs, I’ll think about it. (I have been thinking about making a telegram group for my music for a long while tbh, or I could just keep posting music on here, since I really don’t want to pay a subscription just to post more music to SoundCloud.)

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Thinking of also upgrading my designing of new characters
11 Feb 2024, 08:19 PM

I mean for when I draw a new character in general, including on when I draw new monsters and stuff and make them as out there as possible, including outfits for characters too. I'll just keep sketching different monster/character designs I like the most tbh. Sorry, I'm just thinking out loud again.

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Adding Wordpress into my hard dive + etc
11 Feb 2024, 06:36 PM

I’m also making a little drawing for my profile as well, not my pfp, but a transparent png of Gloomee on her laptop, because why not, it’ll be made with Side7’s oekaki program as well, then port the sketch to Infinite painter. (I also take back my comments about art schools too, I mostly end up going to art classes more.) I also decided to want to use Wordpress, the open source ver of coarse and adding that to for my repo, at least as a place to run my repo files on, hmmm, I'll be doing some m... Read more

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Looking at artwork on Artgram
10 Feb 2024, 08:30 PM

Out of curiosity, I wanted too look at more art on Artgram for fun and some inspiration, a lot of artwork looks pretty nice imo. (I'm still thinking of making an artgram, but I still want to wait until Instagram does another stupid thing or two.)

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08 Feb 2024, 06:57 PM

Hopefully, when I’m done with one class today, I’ll go to the place with a bunch of restaurants. I’m hungry but I want to wait until I’m done with class. (Ate a snack bar earlier)

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I should draw vehicles too. 🚘
07 Feb 2024, 06:16 PM

I've jusy thought about this while listening to "car crash" by three days grace, I want to draw cars, alongside me drawing other stuff and other characters I draw and stuff. (It's also been forever since I doodled a car too.)

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Going to Try out Slax on my Win11 laptop
06 Feb 2024, 06:04 PM

I just download slax (iso image) onto a new usb drive I bought so I wanted to try out slax first, than Linux mint later, I know my mom would tell me thst linux Slax no different to a virtual machine, I'll still give Slax a try, I also like it's logo too, a bright little clover. 🍀

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Oxoxox to Side7 followers/friends
05 Feb 2024, 01:57 PM

Just wanted to make a cute journal to my friends and followers in Side7. I will make black American women art and some pink drawings here and there this month.

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Drawing a JP artist’s oc from memory + etc
05 Feb 2024, 12:48 AM

This artist I followed on Instagram for a few years, then I thought of them and trying to find their name on there, I couldn’t find them even in my saved images folders, I guess they wanted to take a little break, I really should’ve followed their Twitter just in case, oh well, anyways, I’m also finishing other art in the background as well, and yeah.

Thanks for reading this journal, the finished drawing of this artist’s oc will be coming out soon.

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It's annoying to lose followers on Insta + Etc
01 Feb 2024, 02:21 AM

Yes, I do have an instagram account or two, an art main that's private and a personal private one. (It pretty annoying to lose followers, thankfully not too many tbh, but still.) I seriously wish they make it where you can hide your follower count, and maybe take breaks from that site too. (I've been thinking of using an instagram alternative like Artgram too, I'll think about it though.) Anyways, hope everyone have a great night.

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Updating my Repos some more today + adding dns stuff to both websites
31 Jan 2024, 12:27 AM

Basically I was upgrading my repos a little more this afternoon, and thinking of using CLoudflare, but I want to use something open sourced instead tbh, I'll have to think about it really, I might upload more art archives as well in the future, alongside posting new art, sorry if that's getting a little confusing btw. I want to archive as much art that's saved on my DA, VK, or Colorslive, and Google photos as much as possible.

And yeah, thank you all for reading this journal and have a great ... Read more

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Hopefully some new art will be posted soon + Etc
26 Jan 2024, 02:20 PM

I just feel bad for not posting more artwork tbh, and I don't know why some people are unfollowing me on DA either, wait it's because I don't post any new artwork on there anymore, I'm still keeping my DA online, for archiving purposes. (Hopefully I'll find this small Christian YouTube channel that features mspaint art and philosophy stuff, but who knows if I can even find it in my likes playlist, it's really bothering me tbh.) I hate having faulty memory with obscure memories.

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Updating my repository more today
24 Jan 2024, 03:09 PM

I'm just adding more coding and images onto my repository today and hopefully I'll boot up my repo with my Git server, whenever I get to do that at least, alongside using Nikola, sorry for repeating this part by the way. (I still hope the html coding I did for images will work properly like I wanted to, I might add a thing with an arrow you click on and it drops down a curtain of images, whatever that is called, I'll figure it out, hopefully.

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A YouTube Channel I'm trying to find.
23 Jan 2024, 06:57 PM

He makes videos with Philosophical stuff and some Christian themed thinking but also doesn't fear monger either, I remember him once making a video about Covid and how you shouldn't fear death and stuff I think, he also makes mspaint illustrations too, poorly drawn ones I think alongside some writing or math. I think his name's St.Isaiah, or named after a random Bible verse or something. ////////////////// I seriously wonder if his channel is even still on YouTube now, since I can't go to the ... Read more

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23 Jan 2024, 03:30 AM

Not sure what else to journal about, I hope I’ll be able to post a new blog post on my fc2 blog, since it’s been a while since I updated it. And yeah.

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I feel like some upcoming cartoonists are really stuck up and full of crap + etc
22 Jan 2024, 02:49 PM

Ok, this’ll be the last time I gripe about people who act no different to tcc, I really hate how some cartoonists act stuck up, rude, and pretty closed minded as frick people, etc. Maybe I’m being too cyclical and letting one person mess up my view on obscure cartoonists in general, I really should get over myself sometimes man, this is getting depressing. (I can be a little closed minded, but yeah…) (I still hate that tcc keeps schizo-posting about pedos, yet he keeps whining that nobody care... Read more

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21 Jan 2024, 09:07 PM

Thinking of making a drawing based around death, cracked teeth and some blood. That’s all really.

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I always get a sense of Melancholy when I watch/listen to something from a dead person
21 Jan 2024, 06:02 AM

Charlie Brown for example, the actor that played him passed away a year ago or two I think, or when I listen to Linkin Park knowing that the singer of the band passed away, rip Chester. I could bring up more examples, It’ll take a long while tbh.

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I think I should make my own emotes for fun
18 Jan 2024, 06:12 PM

(Bai-jiu kind of inspired this idea tbh) I'm also thinking of making emotes for whenever I'll stream but I doubt it though, I may end up making cute little emotes of my geography girls in general and other characters, at least the ones I wrote character pages for, so it'll take a little while to make these emotes, sorry for the ramble journal, I'm just thinking out loud and stuff. Bai-jiu's art is pretty cute tbh, alongside other people I follow on here, keep up the nice illustrations and stuf... Read more

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Archiving a bunch of site assets for my porfolio site in my repo for my website
18 Jan 2024, 06:04 PM

It's mainly just in case something wonky happens again, at least the assets are also in my fc2 blog too, but it's mostly just a precautionary thing I want to do, I'll make a separate repo for my portfolio site assets as well, mainly to keep me a little more sane and less frustrated as a whole. (Thankfully I don't have to worry about fc2 going down or anything, you'll never nowadays.)

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Going to add more stuff for my characters over time
17 Jan 2024, 06:42 PM

I'll also add more characters on the characters page as well, even characters in the background and stuff. Thank you for reading.

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What's the nerdiest thing you enjoy talking about?
15 Jan 2024, 09:38 PM

For me, I like talking about OS (Operating Systems) some general tech trivia stuff, different tech devices, including flip-phones, coding languages, Repositories, etc

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It's fun exploring in Same.Energy
15 Jan 2024, 09:00 PM

I just checked out this site from an artist website from Bikobatanari's site once, and I'm glad I bookmarked this site, it's better than Pinterest imo, and I've been looking on it for inspiration ever since I forst messed around it.

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Updating some stuff on my porfolio website some more + etc
14 Jan 2024, 03:25 AM

I just finished with some more updates for my portfolio site for my art, comics and animations on my niconico page. I'll hopefully boot up Nikola or whatever site generator site I'll use to put my personal site together. (Then I'll make my repo into a full on website, alongside a Git server)

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Trying to lvl up my team to defeat Giygas (Earthbound)
12 Jan 2024, 02:20 AM

I'm trying to defeat Giygas in the last stage of Earthbound, I really want to save Ness's world tbh, even to take a break from watching Twin Peaks.

(I once gotten a dream where Ness walked up to me from a spotlight and told me that I "need to save his world" and stuff, it was pretty interesting tbh) I probably need to save Max Payne's world as well tbh, alongside some other games I want to replay again through an Android emulator.

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Not sure if I should make holiday variations of my current pfp
10 Jan 2024, 05:32 PM

I'll think about it, I'll still use MS paint for these drawings too, like I did for my 2023 pfp. I do want to update my pfp to a slightly newer one, but I'll still think about it lol.

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I really need to cool down sometimes
10 Jan 2024, 01:42 AM

I'm starting to get angry over people I hate again, but I think I'll use that same energy for social commentary art in the future, I know I pretty much repeated myself a little bit, man I wish my note 8 pen works again...But I got another phone at least. (Don't worry, I won't make hate art, that wouldn't make me feel better either.) Sorry for this vent journal, I just wanted to mentally take a step back.

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I sometimes question why art schools still exist
09 Jan 2024, 09:44 PM

It’s not like people can learn how to draw stuff from YouTube tutorials or “how to draw” tutorial books and so on, and not trying to make everybody happy, I believe people who go to art schools will never realize this at all.

I just rather go to an art class or learn how to draw something in my art style from photos and stuff, art schools are useless junk imho, and turns people into snobby irritating hooligans. (Looking at you TCC)

I rather look at outsider art, Trangressive Art, Folk Art,... Read more

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When something bad happens to somebody I really don't like
06 Jan 2024, 05:58 PM

Most of the time I would think "Oh, that really sucks that happens to that person' or 'dang, that really sucks to see this happen' and all that stuff. I will seem pretty cold to people I don't like in the slightest, and even I would take a step back and say "As much as I really don't like this person, I hope they're alright offline" (This excludes predators scammers and spammers btw.)

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Watching Twin Peaks currently,on Ep 2
06 Jan 2024, 03:51 AM

So far this show is interesting, I sometimes hear that weird stuff happens in this show, but of coarse I'll have to wait and see for myself as I dive into the show some more, I keep thinking it's a movie and not a tv show. Anyways, thanks for reading this journal entry for tonight.

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Thinking of adding maintanence card on my shopify website
04 Jan 2024, 09:40 AM

Since haven't updated it in a long while, I should really add a maintenance page on my shop for the time being, at least until I have more stuff on my Shopify page, and the site's sessions are pretty low now, and yeah, I hope you all understand why I'm doing this. I'll still update my website here and there when I have time for the morning, so goodnight.

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Will make an announcement oekaki drawing for my DA followers
03 Jan 2024, 05:51 AM

I want to let my DA followers know that I’ll permanently be on Side7, I’ll still maybe do some fav’ing on DA but that’s it really. Thanks for reading.

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Currently making a drawing + video for my first drawing of 2024
01 Jan 2024, 01:25 PM

The finished video will be posted on Vk, Minds, YT, etc. I’m happy with how the drawing looks right now, I’m in the shading phase currently. I’m giving my wrist a little break before I continue on the video footage.

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Thinking of using Git to make my own server
31 Dec 2023, 12:10 AM

I was going to use Gitea to make my own server, and my laptop doesn't want me too, so I'll just go to Git instead, I want to make my own server on my personal website, and maybe using Nikola as well (Not to be confused with the cough drops of a similar name) since Gitea is out of the question, I'll use Git instead and maybe give my server a nice name too, like Bgit or soemthing, hopefully I'll think of something for my personal server that auto-updates too, but I'll have to code that too, hmmm. ... Read more

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Thinking of putting together my personal website after I'm done with school + Etc
27 Dec 2023, 12:55 AM

I know that sounds pretty strange for me to do, my mom doesn't want me to download too many programs, I only downloaded python and SlimBrowser, and I'm thinking of using a Win11 debloater, just in case for cation's sake, thank you very much for reading everyone.

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Will update my home page site after tech issues cool down
26 Dec 2023, 08:20 PM

If my site looks a little off (index page) the page erased everything on me alongside the bookmarks page, I may end up using a simple image for the front page at some point, so the editor won’t overload on me, now I’m relieved that I copy-pasted the code for both pages.

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Thinking of throwing away all my grudges towards some DA people + etc
26 Dec 2023, 04:29 AM

I’m better off throwing away these petty grudges over getting blocked from DA’s forum goers, (looking at you CunningCindor and FatPunisher…) and I’ll still be cautious towards some people online anyways, at least people act like the people I mentioned in this journal. I’ll still be wary towards “so called” professionals too that try too hard to look professional, that always rubs me the wrong way tbh. Whatever, I’lol just pray to an angel to help me forget about my petty online grudges tbqh. (I... Read more

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While making my gloomy Christmas song
25 Dec 2023, 02:03 AM

While I was making a stem for piano, alongside the heavy guitar and drums, I noticed that the song sounded a little “Swedish” or something like that, it sounds good though, I’m not sure if I want to change the guitar’s stem tbh. I’ll upload the preview for my upcoming song to YouTube, alongside other video sharing places online.

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Thinking of making another depressing Christmas song
16 Dec 2023, 06:48 PM

I know I already scheduled two original Christmas songs that I made last year, and yeah.

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Watching a show called Severance
16 Dec 2023, 07:32 AM

Since it's been a while since I watched a live action show, so I wanted to check this out mainly out of curiosity. I'll hopefully make an office lady that'll be themed around the colors of the show. (I also noticed that this show has a lot of blues and greens.)

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Shading a maid with chainsaw arms
12 Dec 2023, 11:15 PM

I’m currently finishing a drawing of a maid cyclops with chainsaw arms, blood will be added too, because why not.

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Remaking a bodyhorror concept themed around sore eyebags
10 Dec 2023, 02:36 PM

A drawing I made in oekaki had a pretty cool concept, so I'll be remaking it on Infinite Painter and maybe on Oekaki again as well, sorry about that guys, I should've save the oekaki drawing before posting it, at least I know what to do just in case now.

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Remaking a bodyhorror concept themed around sore eyebags
10 Dec 2023, 02:28 PM

A drawing I made in oekaki had a pretty cool concept, so I'll be remaking it on Infinite Painter and maybe on Oekaki again as well, sorry about that guys, I should've save the oekaki drawing before posting it, at least I know what to do just in case now.

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I'm wondering if I'm an outsider artist, or some other artist
07 Dec 2023, 06:44 PM

I know I'm a self taught artist, and I also just make my own stuff without refrencing irl stuff too much, I still want to make fantastical artwork too and stuff, just as an escape from the world I'm living in in reality. I guess I'll call myself a sheltered artist for the most part.

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Finishing up a switch illustration
04 Dec 2023, 03:57 AM

I’m going to finish up an office lady and cafe drink and flower crossover illustration after some self care and stuff. Thank you for reading.

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Animating a cold color animation + etc
29 Nov 2023, 11:30 PM

I'm currently animating on my ipad of a bunch of cyclios monsters and blueberries, that's all really.

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Drawing another shirt design
24 Nov 2023, 02:54 AM

Drawing a fuzzilon balancing a cup of mocha on her nose, and yeah. Hopefully I’ll finish it tonight and stuff.

Here’s the link to my store since I didn’t link it in my previous journal entry: https://bsj-designs.myshopify.com/

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My Shopify store is open now + etc
23 Nov 2023, 09:05 PM

You guys can buy some stickers for the time being, I’m still tinkering it a bit so stuff might change here and there. Let me know what you guys think, I’m honestly nervous tbh, but hopefully I’ll add more original designs in the future.

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My Shopify is looking wonderful rn + etc
21 Nov 2023, 10:49 PM

So I’ve just updated my portfolio site and updated some stuff for my Shopify site, but I’m still needing to use PayPal, but I really want to use stripe instead tbqh, but yeah, I hope my new shop will be very nice for my fans, followers and friends. I also hope I’ll stop sneezing too, I feel bleh right now.

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Updating my Shopify + need a helping hand, etc
12 Nov 2023, 02:08 AM

I’m updating my Shopify store while I work in school work in the background and drawing. (I also want a helping hand or some hints from you guys that use css and stuff, also don’t worry, Shopify is working now, thank goodness.)

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Thinking of coding my own store + etc
07 Nov 2023, 05:06 PM

Since Teespring, Shopify and Customink didn’t make me satisfied at all, I’m thinking of coding my own merch store, or finding another merch selling site wheee I don’t only have to use PayPal, I should’ve thought of this more often tbh.

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I now want to use Shopify to sell my merch
07 Nov 2023, 04:38 PM

I was going to use Teespring, and I reeeally don’t want to only use PayPal, so I now switched to Shopify, and Shopify is having issues, but I need to make a proper store page too, so I’ll just calmly think of a decent css theme for my store as well. (Sorry, I’m thinking out lousy again about this again)

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I'll take a breather now + etc
05 Nov 2023, 04:54 PM

Sorry for my previous journal entries, I just really hate smug know-it-all Leftists being insufferable pricks and getting away with it, while claiming they know everything and crap. But yeah, I'm calming myself down now. (I was also mad that I lost my earbuds, but those are bad for your ears anyways, so I'll chill out with that too.) I feel a little better now, I'll go listen to Buckethead and some of my music to calm down more.

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Never trust “professionals”
04 Nov 2023, 05:56 PM

Basically don’t trust any so called professionals that aren’t even trying to be professional at all and act like smug pieces of garbage and acting like they’re so much better than Hollywood and other companies by constantly virtue signaling about it, when most of them are all Hollywood wannabes, cut me the sympathy bait stuff too, because I don’t want to hear any of it tbh. I hate Hollywood wannabes in general, I hope their dreams get crushed by wanting to work with a bunch of demons in human sk... Read more

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The T-shirt store will open soon
01 Nov 2023, 05:14 PM

I already added a shirt icon for my custom ink site to sell shirts and jackets and make very nice designs for them too, I might make some long and short sleeve shirts too, and some horror/gothic themed designs too. (I’ll open the store when I make some designs for some shirts/jackets. There will be more to come, hopefully.

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Thinking of opening a T-shirt site as a side money thing
28 Oct 2023, 01:40 AM

The only designs I’ll use will only be used for my T-shirt designs, hopefully I’ll find a T-shirt site I can use to make designs for, I’m still thinking about it tbh. (The site will be linked on my portfolio site as well.

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Why I’m neutral towards current events now
27 Oct 2023, 03:37 AM

Taking sides just never does it for me anymore, so I rather be neither for any current events now, and I think it’s for the better. (Taking sides suck in general anyways, including if both groups are horrible and it’s “pick your poison Apple” situation.

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Finishing a drawing tonight
23 Oct 2023, 09:37 PM

Currently working on my drawing against Capitalism and Communism, I’ll hopefully finish it today and stuff.

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Thinking of msking more social commentary art this month too
12 Oct 2023, 04:22 AM

Alongside my idea of making surreal horror themed artwork, I'm thinking of making more social commentary art for here and on my website. And yeah.

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Thinking of making another Germia Nazz illustration for Odysee
08 Oct 2023, 02:58 AM

Thinking of making another illustration of Germia Nazz only on Odysee/Rumble, but yeah. (I also want an excuse to make edgy art again.)

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Thinking of making an original Halloween song
05 Oct 2023, 01:16 AM

I was going to make a song about pure sickness, but I’ll delay that for now, since I made Christmas songs (only to have them scheduled to post in December) and when I’m done with my halloween song it’ll be scheduled to post on Halloween. —— Thanks for reading, everyone.

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Fixed up my recent lit submission
03 Oct 2023, 02:23 PM

After realizing that the lit submission had a broken image frame code in it, I decided to copy-paste my story from my notes app and add some simple html coding onto it, and there, it's now fine. Sorry about that, I should've checked to see if the submission is showing or checked the box for file text. (I'm going to be more alert about stuff like that next.)

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:55 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them being castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly enjoys giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet when their outer uniform softly crumbles on their elbow. It's also discouraged to so their ankles, and they only ... Read more

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:55 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them being castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly enjoys giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet when their outer uniform softly crumbles on their elbow. It's also discouraged to so their ankles, and they only ... Read more

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:54 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them being castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly enjoys giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet when their outer uniform softly crumbles on their elbow. It's also discouraged to so their ankles, and they only ... Read more

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:54 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them being castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly enjoys giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet when their outer uniform softly crumbles on their elbow. (Some Limboists wear gloves but that's optional.)

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:52 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them being castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly likes giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet. (Some Limboists wear gloves but that's optional.)

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:51 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them getting castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly likes giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet. (Some Limboists wear gloves but that's optional.)

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Why Limboists don't show their wrists + etc
29 Sep 2023, 05:50 PM

In Limboism, a man or a woman aren't allowed to have sex, same can be said for two men and two women too. (Alongside them getting castrated pretty much.) Sex is seen as really overhyped to Limboists, Limboists mostly likes giving each other presents, gifts and making friends. All Limboists also wear a shell that covers their legs to their arms, so you'll only see their hands and feet. (Some Limboists wear gloves but that's optional.)

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Continuing on animating with Krita (connecting my ipad to my laptop)
24 Sep 2023, 02:21 PM

Hopefully I’ll figure out something for the stabilizer to make it work again, I want it it work while I’m using my ipad, and yeah, I’ll have to look into this kind of stuff.

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Continuing on animating with Krita (connecting my ipad to my laptop)
24 Sep 2023, 01:51 PM

Hopefully I’ll figure out something for the stabilizer to make it work again, I want it it work while I’m using my ipad, and yeah, I’ll have to look into this kind of stuff.

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Itchy throats are awful
21 Sep 2023, 08:55 PM

Currently still recovering from a sore throat right now, they feel so horrendous, and I wish I could simply just scratch my throat to make the itch go away, but that obviously won't work at all. At least I have a bunch of cough drops in my little bag.

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Thinking of making a song themed around sickness
17 Sep 2023, 04:01 PM

Since I’m a little under the weather, I have an idea of making a song about general sickness, so I’ll also sample my coughs, sniffling and that’s all.

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Might draw a few more of my male characters for pose practicing
14 Sep 2023, 03:03 PM

I was going to make another male oc, but I think I have a enough to use for pose practicing. And yeah, and it wouldn't shock me if Gozeetha talks to me in another deep sleep dream again, probably in his demon form because he didn't like that I drew him as a cute yellow porcupine. (He said it looked embarrassing and too cute of a form for him to be in.)

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Might draw a few more of my male characters for pose practicing
14 Sep 2023, 03:02 PM

I was going to make another male oc, but I think I have a enough to use for pose practicing. And yeah, and it wouldn't shock me if Gozeetha talks to me in another deep sleep dream again, probably in his demon form because he didn't like that I drew him as a cute yellow porcupine.

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Might draw a few more of my male characters for pose practicing
14 Sep 2023, 02:57 PM

I was going to make another male oc, but I think I have a enough to use for pose practicing. And yeah, and it wouldn't shock me if Gozeetha talks to me in another deep sleep dream again, probably in his demon form because he didn't like that I drew him as a cute yellow porcupine.

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Why I Always Draw Women And Sometimes Men
12 Sep 2023, 11:19 PM

I enjoy how it is to draw women, and it’s pretty fun surprisingly. (I sometimes draw guys because I’m not too good at it, but I’ll keep trying at least.)

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Why I always draw women and sometimes Men
12 Sep 2023, 11:18 PM

I enjoy how it is to draw women, and it’s pretty fun surprisingly. (I sometimes draw guys because I’m not too good at it, but I’ll keep trying at least.)

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Why I always draw women and sometimes Men
12 Sep 2023, 11:17 PM

I enjoy how it is to draw women, and it’s pretty fun surprisingly. (I rarely draw guys because I’m not too good at it, but I’ll keep trying at least.)

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Why I detest Hollywood wannabes in general + etc
08 Sep 2023, 09:30 PM

Where do I even start with this… I mainly deeply dislike these kinds of people because they want to work with the worst of the entertainment industry and some of them act so snobby and stuck up all the time, as if they’ll ever be another Hollywood robot that could be replaced anyways, I could go on and on about the negatives of how desperate and greedy Hollywood is, and I think some of you guys know what those many negatives I’m referring to. (I also hope people that get jobs at Hollywood get ... Read more

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Will be using opencanvas or etc until my tablet gets fixed
07 Sep 2023, 04:09 PM

I found out that my Wacom tablet I've been using has been acting up when I try to draw a line without pressing the click button on my stylus, so hopefully I'll use open Canvas as my alt tablet on my ipad pro, I should get a screen protector for my ipad too, in case I drop it my accident or something. Anyways, thanks for reading and have a nice day/night. (I really don't want to spend 11 dollars just to use my ipad pro as an alt tablet, I hope there's something cheaper.)

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Will be using opencanvas until my tablet gets fixed
07 Sep 2023, 04:09 PM

I found out that my Wacom tablet I've been using has been acting up when I try to draw a line without pressing the click button on my stylus, so hopefully I'll use open Canvas as my alt tablet on my ipad pro, I should get a screen protector for my ipad too, in case I drop it my accident or something. Anyways, thanks for reading and have a nice day/night.

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Thinking Of Making a forum banner
05 Sep 2023, 11:17 PM

I want to make a forum banner, just to make something for fun, and yeah.

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Finishing Artwork Still
03 Sep 2023, 10:21 PM

Still slowly finishing art after I add somethings to my homework, that’s it really.

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Drawing another alien Girl + etc
30 Aug 2023, 12:22 PM

I'll be drawing an alien girl on Medibang, and will also post some older art of my alien girls and other alien related art I made in the past, and yeah.

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Why I left Newgrounds + etc
27 Aug 2023, 05:11 PM

The reason I left Newgrounds is that I made an account on here and moved here as a new archive spot, and I also don’t want to stay in a site that lets the bullies win in a dumb drama and making people leave, so that’s why I left Newgrounds. (I know I messed with a so called “Christian” on there but whatever, I bet he still spams in the forums to this day, I won’t check and find out, I rather stay here and mind my business.) I already know DA is a giant sinking ship, Newgrounds will end up like... Read more

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Why I left Newgrounds + etc
27 Aug 2023, 05:11 PM

The reason I left Newgrounds is that I made an account on here and moved here as a new archive spot, and I also don’t want to stay in a site that lets the bullies win in a dumb drama, so that’s why I left Newgrounds. (I know I messed with a so called “Christian” on there but whatever, I bet he still spams in the forums to this day, I won’t check and find out, I rather stay here tbh.) I already know DA is a giant sinking ship, Newgrounds will end up like that too if the mods stop being over-con... Read more

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Why I left Newgrounds
27 Aug 2023, 05:07 PM

The reason I left Newgrounds is that I made an account on here and moved here as a new archive spot, and I also don’t want to stay in a site that lets the bullies win in a dumb drama, so that’s why I left Newgrounds. (I know I messed with a so called “Christian” on there but whatever, I bet he still spams in the forums to this day, I won’t check and find out, I rather stay here tbh.)

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Drawing another song cover
26 Aug 2023, 01:27 AM

I’m going to draw a song cover for a song I recently finished, so I wanted to make a cover image for it, I might draw other covers for my older songs, and that’s all really.

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Will draw a cute drawing here and there
23 Aug 2023, 05:46 PM

I might as well lighten up the mood art wise, but not too overly positive, and yeah, I know I don’t have to announce this and yeah.

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Will draw a cute drawing here and there
23 Aug 2023, 05:46 PM

I might as well lighten up the mood art wise, but not too overly positive, and yeah, I know I don’t have to announce this and yeah.

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Making a cute Sonic fan drawing
18 Aug 2023, 03:15 AM

I’m currently making a sonic fan drawing where he frees a bunch of animals from the classic games, and I’ve been watching Sonic horror content on YT recently, and yeah.

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Making a cute Sonic fan drawing
18 Aug 2023, 03:14 AM

I’m currently making a sonic fan drawing where he frees a bunch of animals from the classic games, and I’ve been watching Sonic horror content on YT recently, and yeah.

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Making an animation + Other stuff
17 Aug 2023, 06:29 AM

I'm currently making an animation of a flame that's the color of blood playing with a rock. I'm also thinking lf sketching a fallen angel with three eyes, since I'm restless right now. (Sorry for my venting in that DA dying thread as well, and yeah, ehhhhh.)

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Mostly will finish art/animations in the evenings + etc
11 Aug 2023, 02:00 AM

I'll be posting more finished art/animations online when I have free time during the evenings when I'm not busy with anything. That's it really.

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Added more coding and stuff to my websites
07 Aug 2023, 12:27 AM

Just added more stuff to my personal website, my porfolio, and on my site portal for both websites, that’s all really. I’m still thinking of moving to Gitea io or download Gitea on my laptop and make my private Gitea instance. I’ll think about it.

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Drawing another dream drawing
05 Aug 2023, 03:32 AM

Making a dream based around me wearing yellow and standing near an old vcr, there's also cloaked men dressed in yellow as well.

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Drawing another dream drawing
05 Aug 2023, 03:31 AM

Making a dream based around me wearing yellow and standing near an old vcr, there's also cloaked men dressed in yellow as well.

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Hoping to have fun in college next month
29 Jul 2023, 03:55 PM

As much as I’m way too used to staying at home, I’m still hoping that I’ll be having a nice time in college in my dorm with a roommate, at least temporarily. That’s all really.

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Still abandoning DA’s Forums, etc
27 Jul 2023, 12:08 AM

If anyone’s wondering, I’m still pretending that DA’s forums don’t exist, I also wish people stop noting me on there as well, I only use DA as a quick way of posting art lastly.

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Still abandoning DA’s Forums, etc
27 Jul 2023, 12:08 AM

If anyone’s womdering, I’m still pretending that DA’s forums don’t exist, I also wish people stop noting me on there as well, I only use DA as a quick way of posting art lastly.

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Continuing on my wips and animations
26 Jul 2023, 06:20 PM

Currently finishing my wips and animation I’m still working on. That’s all really.

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Finished Mourning Over Kirby
17 Jul 2023, 09:34 PM

Kirby sadly passed away from constipation plus a possible tumor. I’ll be making a memorial sketch of Kirby in my iPad.

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Will try to animate more in Krita
13 Jul 2023, 02:35 PM

When I'm done with my Motionbook animation, I'll start animating more in Krita, I just hope I'll clear it's cache, I haven't painted on my laptop in a long while. At least I have Medibang on my iPad.

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May add a personal website link (Whenever I finish putting my repo as a website)
11 Jul 2023, 11:05 PM

Hopefully I’ll add my personal site link to this profile, in case something happens to DA or something. I may end up adding my S7 profile on my other website on Codeberg, It’s been a while since I logged into it. I’ll post more art when I have free time.

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May add a personal website link (Whenever I finish putting my repo as a website)
11 Jul 2023, 11:05 PM

Hopefully I’ll add my personal site link to this profile, in case something happens to DA or something. I may end up adding my S7 profile on my other website on Codeberg, It’s been a while since I logged into it.

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Making some flags for Limboist Island and Bootstring
29 Jun 2023, 11:43 PM

I was going to make my own flags in flag makers, but then I thought of using infinite painter instead, and that’s it. Hopefully I’ll think of something for Roffino, the rich town in planet Tarreon.

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Thinking of drawing L-13X for another video
28 Jun 2023, 11:44 PM

I wanted to make a drawing video of Lucyanna’s arch enemy, L-13X for the next time laspe video. That’s all really. I might talk in the video, I’m not sure.

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Continuing On Some drawings
27 Jun 2023, 01:43 AM

Still finishing some more artwork while I take breaks from looking at my phone/iPad screens. I'm feeling content right now too tbh.

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Making a July themed drawing for next month.
24 Jun 2023, 12:54 AM

I’m making another Ameri-Chan drawing for July in general. That’s all really.

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Making a July themed drawing for next month.
24 Jun 2023, 12:54 AM

I’m making another Ameri-Chan drawing for July in general. That’s all really.

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Currently also writing a pdf book made in pages
22 Jun 2023, 07:40 PM

I’m planning on making and continuing on my Tarreon lore thing, thankfully I put Tarreon in a galaxy, thank goodness. That’s all.

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I’m thinking if trying out procreate
21 Jun 2023, 08:30 PM

I’m still unsure, but I also have medibng, so meh.

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Feeling happier using drums
21 Jun 2023, 07:56 PM

I’m currently making two songs that both have drums in them, and I also wanted to try the drums in Garage-band this time too.

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Will be busy with some life stuff here and there
17 Jun 2023, 01:26 AM

It’s mostly mundane life stuff I’ll be busy with, so hopefully I’ll make another drawing when I’m done with my tasks.

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Why I have gripes with some people now (Vent)
15 Jun 2023, 04:52 AM

Too many people seem to want to hear what they want hear, or want their biases confirmed, etc, and if you tell a person what they don’t want to hear, they get angry and block you like a jerkwad or do something else scummy. (I’m guilty of being closed minded and cold at times, but can you blame me? Some people are asking to be given hate for being a jerk-wad.)

There are times where I don’t like myself sometimes, but that’s a me issue.

I still hate people sometimes, we still fight each othe... Read more

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Made a Spacehey
14 Jun 2023, 11:16 AM

Because why not, and it’s just in case my friendproject gets deleted die to inactivity. I’ll end up deleting my Spacehey before I start college.

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The Reason I disappeared from Newgrounds
11 Jun 2023, 01:56 AM

I mainly did that because I want to move to Side7, and I figure I’ll use this smaller website as a little personal archive as well, thankfully the artwork I upload on here looks hd as well, so thank goodness for that.

I already typed some of my gripes with Newground’s staff (ans staff on SM in general) in my personal website page, so there’s that.

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Currently making the full album and posting it to YouTube and so on
10 Jun 2023, 08:01 AM

While I'm making a full album, I'll be drawing in the background as well, and yeah that's it for today's journal.

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Making another Conspria Drawing
09 Jun 2023, 05:07 PM

It’ll be themed around cameras and tech that has cameras. That’s all for today.

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Making another Conpira drawing
06 Jun 2023, 01:09 PM

Conpira is a character that’s based off of my overly paranoid thoughts and conspiracy ideas, I want to draw her surrounded by tech that watches her every move, that’s it really.

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Just made a music album porfolio
04 Jun 2023, 01:57 AM

I might do this in the future for future music albums, thankfully all the songs are working as planned, I’m happy I double checked, now that crisis has averted, phew.

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I just released my album on Soundcloud and Vk
01 Jun 2023, 02:17 AM

Now I’ll wait until I get to use my main laptop to make my full album video, for now, I’ll finish a drawing or two.

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Thinking of making a Tarreon version of the CIA
31 May 2023, 12:45 AM

It’ll be called the TIA, Tarreon Intelligence Agency, they only wear black, purple and orange for the agents uniforms, they also work underneath Roffino, the more richer part of Tarreon. The TIA agents wear suit pins that are metal bright purple roses, they can only snuff out any strange beings in Tarreon’s grounds, they also believe that Lucyanna should work alongside them as well.

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Coding more of my website + more
29 May 2023, 03:17 PM

I’m slowly adding more things to my website, I’m still trying to work with my old Windows 7 thinkpad. I’m still thinking of adding slax or Debian onto it.

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Updating more of my custom website
25 May 2023, 01:31 PM

I'm adding stuff to my oter website's page in Gitea, I'm still thinking of running my own custom server, I'll still read into this kind of stuff at least. I'm currently on my older Windows 7 Thinkpad, the blocky one, I still like this old model I'm using.

I was thinking of using Hugo.io, or some other site generator, I'll think about it. I'll use nginx for server stuff at least.

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Updating more of my custom website
25 May 2023, 01:13 PM

I'm adding stuff this website's page in Gitea, I'm still thinking of running my own custom server, I'll still read into this kind of stuff at least. I'm currently on my older Windows 7 Thinkpad, the blocky one, I still like this old model I'm using.

I was thinking of using Hugo.io, or some other site generator, I'll think about it. I'll use nginx for server stuff at least.

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Updating more of my custom website
25 May 2023, 01:12 PM

I'm adding stuff this website's page in Gitea, I'm still thinking of running my own custom server, I'll still read into this kind of stuff at least. I'm currently on my older Windows 7 Thinkpad, the blocky one, I still like this old model I'm using.

I was thinking of using Hugo.io, or some other site generator, I'll think about it.

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Updating more of my custom website
25 May 2023, 01:11 PM

I'm adding stuff this website's page in Gitea, I'm still thinking of running my own custom server, I'll still read into this kind of stuff at least. I'm currently on my older Windows 7 Thinkpad, the blocky one, I still like this old model I'm using.

I was thinking of using Hugo.io, or some other site generator, I'll think about it.

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Posting more older art on here
24 May 2023, 02:03 PM

Since I might as well post more older art on here, I already saved all of my old 2014-2015. That’s all really.

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I’ll still watch cartoons, mostly really old ones
23 May 2023, 02:11 PM

As much as I always swore off Hollywood in general, I’ll still enjoy anime/cartoons in private, because toonheads and so on are downright insufferable, I just wanted to vent. That’s all for this journal.

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Finishing a painting I've been making
19 May 2023, 06:49 AM

I wanted to finally finish that painting, after watching the Truman Show movie, I'm looking forward to fixing up and painting over some parts of the painting, I'm looking forward to it honestly.

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Painting a nonsense room on my Switch
14 May 2023, 08:43 AM

I wanted to draw some rooms some more, and that's it really.

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I posted some Christmas songs that'll appear in December + Etc
09 May 2023, 02:45 AM

I'm not sure if I'll make another new Christmas song, but I'll think about it.

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Thinking of drawing more edgy stuff
08 May 2023, 02:01 AM

I want to draw more edgy artwork, but also original edgy artwork on here, Pixiv, and on my personal website, and that's all really.

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Been making some watercolor paintings recently + Vent
28 Apr 2023, 03:07 AM

I’ve been making more traditional art, alongside coding more stuff for my new website and so on. That’s all for tonight, I’m still apathetic towards Computer generated spam alongside fear mongering that goes with it, etc, the only tech related thing I care about at this point, is coding in HTML, css and so on, and different OS’s that exist in the world. Have a decent night.

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Making more paint dot net animations plus another acrylic painting
21 Apr 2023, 09:58 AM

I'm starting to like those slightly thicker paints my mom got me, hopefully I'll let her know. I'm also finishing up some cross hatching on the coloring for my upcoming AHI drawing, and I'm also working on some more paint dot net animations, both that are themed around 4/20 in different ways. I'm also making another acrylic paint video with my music again as well, since my YT audience is pretty content with me doing that.

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Making more paint dot net animations plus another acrylic painting
21 Apr 2023, 09:57 AM

I'm starting to like those slightly thicker paints my mom got me, hopefully I'll let her know. I'm also finishing up some cross hatching on the coloring for my upcoming AHI drawing, and I'm also working on some more paint dot net animations, both that are themed around 4/20 in different ways.

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Making another Krita drawing
19 Apr 2023, 01:07 AM

I wanted to make another drawing for AHI or "Abandon Human Idols" because why not.

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Making a new surreal painting
13 Apr 2023, 12:06 AM

I'm planning on making another new painting on my newly painted canvas, the background color might change here and there. I'll post the wip sketch on my Plurk and Misskey page that's linked in my website.

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Will be gone for driving lessons/classes
05 Apr 2023, 04:39 AM

While I make my painting about Brutalism personifefd in my free time. I'll be gone for a few days this month and next month for driving classes/lessons. The only thing I worry is that I hope I'll do a good job on driving.

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Will be gone for driving lessons
05 Apr 2023, 04:39 AM

While I make my painting about Brutalism personifefd in my free time. I'll be gone for a few days this month and next month for driving classes/lessons. The only thing I worry is that I hope I'll do a good job on driving.

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Slowly working on my own repository for my html website
03 Apr 2023, 10:25 PM

I want to put my html website in a repository for safe keeping, alongside some other stuff. (I'm really new to using Git (Win Edition) btw, I'm figuring out where that README.md file is, I'll have to make my own somehow.) So that's all for this journal, I'll just continue on my mom's birthday painting, just to keep me awake before my sleeping hour comes up.

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Thinking of adding more pages on my html blog
31 Mar 2023, 12:22 PM

While I'm working on messing around with the Git coding program, I then thought of adding some Moshed photo edits and adding an art gallery on another page, alongside making a repository to run my html blog I made with notepad, I think that's all I can think for this first journal. Thank you

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