El Thorvaldo Moderator

Josef Amanoti Character Reference

Species: Grey wolf
Place of Birth: Earth
Height: 1/3 less than average
Weight: 40% lower than normal
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Grand Admiral of the Star League, a fancy name for what's technically a nomadic space fleet acting as an interstellar military alliance modelled after the player's battlegroup in Star Control II. Amanoti and the League are a keystone to the space opera spin-off of the unified setting underwriting Dr. Ivan and the pre-DYOS world, and mashes up influences from Dune, Star Wars, and the BattleTech universe, among others. Josef's story originates on Earth, where as a child he and his cousin Richard were swept up in a long-running war whose escalation into the cosmos birthed both the League and its mortal enemy, the Third Hierarchy of United Systems. Josef's frontline career ended with a grievous battlefield injury, but he continued on as a brilliant strategic planner, rising to head the alliance at a surprisingly young age. The war against the Hierarchy is complicated by the fact Richard was shanghaied by the enemy, evolving into a black mirror of his cousin in a similar dilemma to Kurt Schäffer in DYOS.

  • Josef is mentioned, but does not appear, in Taniciusfox's Imperium Universalis as part of the Star League's background.