El Thorvaldo Moderator

Rahman Zahir al-Kader Character Reference

Species: Human
Place of Birth: Egypt(?)
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Minister of Intelligence of the United Arab Republic in Imperium Offtopicum XIV, overseeing spy networks in Libya (the Ansar Circle), Vietnam (Trieu), Japan (Sempo), and North America (Davy Crockett).

The Ansar Circle is established early in the game after the Platonic Republic refuses to abandon colonization of Libya even after its vestigial oil deposits are depleted. While Jerusalem maintains a cordial public face, the eponymous Operation Ansar plots to empower local separatists to break the country out of Greek hegemony, networking with prominent dissidents to plan a coup d'état put into action amid widespread unrest following the virtual destruction of the Greek army in Operation Devil-Fish, the failed invasion of Japanese-occupied Taiwan in 2106.

The Trieu ring supplies the UAR, and by extension UNVIFOR and the allies of the Pacific War, with details on Japanese military operations, forewarning the attempted seizure of legacy nuclear weapons in northern Vietnam, its launch of an intercontinental missile, and its wholesale withdrawal to reinforce the Chinese front late in the war, enabling the Allied navy to intercept the retreat. Most importantly, the network reveals that Japan has infected prisoners of war with biological agents in a final act of atrocity to stall the Allied offensive.

Al-Kader was originally referred to via placeholder in communiqués with the game moderator; he is first named in a roleplay interlude set during the 2106–2112 hiatus, detailing his recruitment of mutated survivors of the atomic bombing of Cairo for the Black Guard, a secret special forces unit answering directly to the heads of state. It is wielded in a clandestine counterterror campaign against the apocalyptic society OSIRIS, first brought to Jerusalem's attention in early 2106 and previously involved in the attempted assassination of French premier Yvette Pettigrew; an internal purge of OSIRIS agents provokes an assassination attempt on Diya Amirmuaz in 2110, and following leads from the Sempo network, members of the Guard are deployed overseas to hunt down lingering cells.


Diya Amirmuaz, Bashar al-Assad
Joint heads of state of the UAR, to whom he reports as both government minister and taskmaster of the Black Guard.

Farida Amjad
Local head of the Governing Caste in Platonic Libya. Harbours liberal-nationalist sympathies and opposes the caste system. Identified as a potential collaborator in Operation Ansar, she is persuaded to partner with Dr. El-Amin in the transitional government to secure the support of garrison forces for a bloodless coup.

Abu al-Fadl Abdulrashid
Member of the Productive Caste in Platonic Libya, a charismatic Islamist with widespread working-class support. Discounted as a potential leader in Operation Ansar due to lack of government experience and suspected militarism, a decision that backfires when he launches solidarity protests against a government crackdown in Thessaloniki, coalescing into the paramilitary "People's Militia" that threatens to tip Greece into civil war. Eleventh-hour intervention by the UAR secures his exile to Egypt; determined not to be an extremist, Abdulrashid is brought onboard the operation and acts to undercut the legitimacy of his deputy-turned-rival Usman Almasi, who steers the Militia into violent insurgency. Abdulrashid ultimately endorses the Amjad–El-Amin government against Almasi's faction, and returns to Libya following its independence.

Salah Fadil El-Amin
Doctor in the Protective Caste in Platonic Libya, a humanitarian pacifist and intellectual who is the secret author of anti-Platonic publications. Identified as a potential collaborator in Operation Ansar, he is persuaded to partner with Amjad in the transitional government to strengthen popular support for the coup.

Zhakov Ostushev
Founder and leader of the "Wolves of Fenrir", a paramilitary secret society devoted to destroying OSIRIS. The death of a Syrian member brings Fenrir and OSIRIS to Jerusalem's attention; while the UAR never establishes official contact, the Wolves provide indirect communication to aid al-Kader's campaign.