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Forums discovered via Google - Started by: chaseawaythedark
Forums discovered via Google
Posted: 06 Dec 2023, 08:01 PM

It has often been said that it's a sign a forum has succeeded in its objective if a thread is discovered while looking something up.

This is why "shitposts" (and yes that's the real internet term for them, excuse my language) often have a handful of recurring critics, because they're not the kind of thing one would expect to cause someone to discover that forum via Google. Indeed, the words "I was looking up what it feels like to pet a human with nice soft fluffy fur and came across a throwaway forum post about it" are words we will probably never hear in the history of mankind, well, except for this sentence (nothing against them, just saying).

That said, when was the last time you actually were looking something up on Google (or DuckDuckGo, or Ecosia, or whatever you use, personally I lean towards Ecosia even if it's not as adequate to its promise as it seems) and you came across a thread in a forum and possibly discovered the forum's existence for the first time through the act of looking up said thing?

RE: Forums discovered via Google
Posted: 07 Dec 2023, 10:52 AM

Always fun to find new forums when searching

RE: Forums discovered via Google
Posted: 08 Dec 2023, 12:52 PM

Some times it's cool to find a random convo trail and discover a new group of people, but if a post was written like this and it sounds like it's OP's fetish, I wouldn't bother to visit.

RE: Forums discovered via Google
Posted: 09 Dec 2023, 07:17 AM
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edit on 09 Dec 2023, 07:31 AM.

i’ve come across a bunch of wrestling forums and abandoned sites while searching for pictures lol this one thread stuck to me the most after i discovered the forum, it’s all in spanish but i really want to know what was the point of that storyline, since then i have the goal to meet one of the wrestlers involved and ask them about it,,, if they even remember lol

RE: Forums discovered via Google
Posted: 30 Dec 2023, 11:31 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 30 Dec 2023, 11:33 PM.

I found some forums while I was looking for a forum about paranormal stuff, and I found a few, the only forum I bookmarked is this one forum that uses a grey owl as it's favicon, alongside an Earthbound forum too, I was thinking of joining that one, but meh, I already joined a Touhou themed forum. (I also hope I'll give myself a very nice forum signature too for this site's forum) I also enjoy lurking in most forums as well from time to time.

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